
Dim N As String
N = InputBox(Combo1 & " search")
adodc1.recordset.find Combo1.List(Combo1.ListIndex " ' = ' " & N & " ' ")
if adodc1.Recordset.EOF then
msgbox "No File Records"
end if

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All 7 Replies

What is the problem? What is the above code all about? can you explain?

What is the problem? What is the above code all about? can you explain?

may problem is....whene click search command botton...easy to research but when if i click again the search command botton....the msgbox well print it...what shall i do?

You mean that only one click on a button is allowed to do the command, if there is more then one click, the message will appear?

Hello nino_morata, you need to explain what you want done so it would be easy to give the right answer. Also, i guess you're working with vb6.0 and not so you could also raise same thread in vb6.0

You mean that only one click on a button is allowed to do the command, if there is more then one click, the message will appear?


can u have me?

Hello nino_morata, you need to explain what you want done so it would be easy to give the right answer. Also, i guess you're working with vb6.0 and not so you could also raise same thread in vb6.0 just a student rigth now

...sample code for datagrid which only one should appear if i going to search i

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