Hey, I need to make a function that returns an array. How would I do so? And how would I make a variable that gets all the values in that function? Thanks, you guys :)

Please, help you guys. I need help, so badly.

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As far as I know you can't return a C-type array (e.g. myarray[100]), but you can return a std::vector, like so:

vector<int> myfunction(void)

Then, once you need the result, you would do something like this:

vector<int> someInts;
someInts = myfunction();
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"

int* someFunction(void)
  int* array;
  array = (int*)malloc(100 * sizeof(int));
  return array;

int main()
  int* array = someFunction();
  printf("%i %i", array[0], array[1]);
  return 0;

or in C++...

#include <iostream>

int* someFunction()
  int* array = new int[100];
  return array;

int main()
  int* array = someFunction();
  std::cout << array[0] << " " << array[1];
  delete[] array;
  return 0;
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