I'm doing a small program where i input an array and then get the maximum and minimum number in it . I've succeeded in getting the minimum number but there is a problem in having the maximum number any help what's the problem
my code :

INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
Arr_size equ 5
Arr1 SDword Arr_size dup(0)
minVal SDwORD 7fffffffh
maxVal SDwORD 000000000
strprompt Byte 'Enter integer Array items: ',0
strMsg    byte 'the Min value an Max value is ', 0

main PROC
mov edx , offset strprompt
call writestring

mov ecx, LENGTHOF Arr1
mov edi, offset Arr1

call readint
mov [edi],eax

add edi, Type Arr1

cmp eax,minVal

jge Loop_stat

mov minval,eax
cmp eax, maxVal
jnge lop_state
mov maxval,eax

loop L1
mov edx, offset strMsg
call writestring
mov eax, minval
call writeint
call crlf

loop L1
mov eax, maxVal
call writeint
call crlf
main ENDP

END main

You need to realize that in this code:

cmp eax,minVal

jge Loop_stat

a greater than minVal will cause a jump to Loop_stat and it will never be compared with maxVal.


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