I'm trying to make a help menu which open a new form when it's clicked but I don't how to link them together , so anyone can tell me what function call I should use??
I've tried Application.Run but i get errors.

is it just a new form within the same application that you want to open or is it a form within a seperate application ?

if it's just a form within the same app try just doing

//creates an instance of the form you want to open 
MyForm form1 = new MyForm();

// put this in the method which you want to open the new form

what I want is to show another form within the same application
I will try what you suggested thank a lot I really appreciate it

I tried what you suggested it didn't work out

what I want is to show another form within the same application
I will try what you suggested thank a lot I really appreciate it

As in an MDI form?

As ChrisHunter says its working.... what error/problem you have got.

I solved that , thanks a lot => ChrisHunter

Glad i could help.

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