hello guys need some help, i need to generate id the problem is i cannot get the last row from database

logical view


need to get
select the last character '3' using mid
after selecting '3' convert to int and add to 1 VAl=3+1
"PCSO2012" & VAL

Main problem cannot select last row from the database "PCSO20123"

rs.Open "select max(OUTLET_ID) as IDS from tblOutlet", conn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
'ids = rs.Fields("IDS")
If rs.BOF And rs.EOF Then
    nonIds = "PCSO" & strYear & "1"
    txtOutletID.Text = ids
        genid = Mid$(rs.Fields("IDS"), 8, 1)
        inty = CInt(genid) + 1
        idhand = "PCSO" & strYear & CStr(inty)
    End If
    txtOutletID.Text = genid
End Sub

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Store the last number generated somewhere -- in another table or an initialization file.

Since you are always concatenating the generated number to a fixed string, you need to generate only the number part from DB. Using the logic of Max(field)+1 should work fine for you.

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