So I'm fairly sure I have everything in the correct order, it compiles correctly, but when I try to run I just crash after the first Employee ID input. I've tried all i can think and have searched the web yet can't figure out why it crashes.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

struct Employee
	int ID;
	char fName[51], lName[51];
	float pay;

int main()
	struct Employee eArray[5];

	int i,j,k,a,search,idSearch,paySearch;
	char lSearch[51];
		printf("Enter ID number for employee %d:", (i+1));
		scanf("%d", eArray[i].ID);
			if(eArray[i].ID == eArray[j].ID)
			printf("Duplicate ID number, enter again:");
			scanf("%d", eArray[i].ID);
			if(eArray[i].ID == eArray[k].ID)
			printf("Duplicate ID number, enter again:");
			scanf("%d", eArray[i].ID);

		printf("Enter first name for employee %d:", (i+1));
		printf("Enter last name for employee %d:", (i+1));
		printf("Enter hourly pay for employee %d:", (i+1));
		scanf("%f", eArray[i].pay);

	printf("Search for employee by Last Name(1), ID(2), Hourly Pay(3):");
	scanf("%d", &search);

		printf("Please enter Last Name to search for:");

			if(strcmp(eArray[a].lName, lSearch)==0)
				printf("%s %s\nID:%d\n$/hr:%f\n", eArray[a].fName, eArray[a].lName, eArray[a].ID, eArray[a].pay);
	else if(search==2)
		printf("Please enter ID to search for:");
		scanf("%d", &idSearch);

				printf("%s %s\nID:%d\n$/hr:%f\n", eArray[a].fName, eArray[a].lName, eArray[a].ID, eArray[a].pay);
	else if(search==3)
		printf("Please enter Hourly Pay to search for:");
		scanf("%d", &paySearch);

				printf("%s %s\nID:%d\n$/hr:%f\n", eArray[a].fName, eArray[a].lName, eArray[a].ID, eArray[a].pay);

	return 0;

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All 7 Replies

lines 30-32: the value of k is a negative number when i is 0. Do the first time through using k as index is illegal because there is no such thing as -1 index of arrays.

Common mistake that everybody makes. :)
Line 21 : use "&" in scanf

commented: Good observation -- I missed that :) +17

Common mistake that everybody makes. :)
Line 21 : use "&" in scanf

the same with line 27, 35 and 44 :)

Thanks for the replies everyone, I just took out the poorly done ID duplicate checker, and for some reason I was under the impression that I didn't have to put a & if it was part of a structure. But that seemed to fix the problem. But now I've encountered another one for the input of the first name. It will skip the gets(*first name variable*) and go straight to the input for the last name and continue on.

int main()
	Employee eArray[5];

	int i,a,search,idSearch,paySearch;
	char lSearch[51];
		printf("\nEnter ID number for employee %d:", (i+1));
		scanf("%d", &eArray[i].ID);
		printf("\nEnter first name for employee %d:", (i+1));
		printf("\nEnter last name for employee %d:", (i+1));
		printf("\nEnter hourly pay for employee %d:", (i+1));
		scanf("%f", &eArray[i].pay);

Awesome, all is working now, thanks for the help.

You can mark this thread as Solved then :)

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