Hello again everyone. I am creating a math game sort of...I dont know if they call it a case or switch statement but I want one in both my Menus. Also I am wondering if you can create an if statement or case statement that will support two variables...for example: if a == 2 and b == 3...THanks for your help and please respond as quick as possible...

by the way here is my code I would like you to fix with case statements:

import random
def difficult_menu():
    1.) - Easy
    2.) - Medium
    3.) - Hard""")
    return int(raw_input("Choose a difficulty"))

def type_menu():
    print("""Types of Math:
    1.) - Add
    2.) - Subtract
    3.) - Divide
    4.) - Multiply""")
    return int(raw_input("Choose one of the choices"))
def main():
    x = difficult_menu()

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Usually is to have sequence of values or dictionary, functions if necessary

from __future__ import division
from operator import *

case_func = [('+', add), ('-', sub), ('/', truediv), ('*', mul)]

def type_menu():
    print("""Types of Math:
    1.) - Add
    2.) - Subtract
    3.) - Divide
    4.) - Multiply""")
    return int(raw_input("Choose one of the choices. "))-1

selection = type_menu()
print '3 %s 4 = %s' % (case_func[selection][0], case_func[selection][1](3,4))

This might help you ...

import random

def difficult_menu():
    1.) - Easy
    2.) - Medium
    3.) - Hard""")
    return int(raw_input("Choose a difficulty: "))

def type_menu():
    print("""Types of Math:
    1.) - Add
    2.) - Subtract
    3.) - Divide
    4.) - Multiply""")
    return int(raw_input("Choose one of the choices:"))

def pick_random_integer(difficulty):
    # replace multiple if/else with dictionary
    return {
    1 : random.randrange(1, 10),
    2 : random.randrange(10, 100),
    3 : random.randrange(100, 1000)

def main():
    difficulty = difficult_menu()
    random_number1 = pick_random_integer(difficulty)
    random_number2 = pick_random_integer(difficulty)
    print(random_number1, random_number2)
    math_types = type_menu()


To test the above code just double cick on the code area to select the code, right click to copy the selected code, and then paste it into your favorite editor.

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