I have created one report in crystal report...
i want to filter that report in vb6 with different conditions...
i have created selection formula, like,

str = "isnull({Prescriptions.RecDateR})"
Report.RecordSelectionFormula = str

but while running this it gives error that " SERVER HAS NOT YET BEEN OPNED"...
if i remove the 2nd line ten it runs fine, but adding formula to report it gives error...

Please can anyone help me..
thnak you...

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Check ur database connections....while retrieving the values from database.....

te database connection is correct, but wile adding selection formula its not working, without it its working fine...

Can you show the complete code...


In report, if "Convert Null To Defaults" setting is ON, then you have to check like this :

Report.RecordSelectionFormula = "totext({Prescriptions.RecDateR}) = ''"


hey thanx i got an idea from that and its working thank you...

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