Hi all

I'm looking forward to purchase ExeCryptor (www.strongbit.com) to protect my shareware. But before I'd like to know independent opinions/experience if any.

My question is: Anybody uses execryptor? Can you tell me smth about? Are there some problems? Is it cost-effective?

Thank you in advance for any reply


Salem commented: SPAM EGG CHIPS AND SPAM +0

I am wondering why it makes false claims on its front page.

I'm wondering how many boards I'm going to see this spam on....

In fact, it appears in so many places (thanks google) that I regard it as marketing spam to make people click on the link rather than any serious attempt to ask a meaningful question.

Er, why would you protect shareware? Nowadays, I thought shareware was pretty extinct.
Back in the days of 14.4, there was a call for shareware since you'd be able to order it from a catalog, but with the connections available today (not to mention piracy), I got the impression that it's all freeware after the first download.

And I can certainly buy that this is an advertisement, unless the poster returns...

I'm wondering how many boards I'm going to see this spam on....

In fact, it appears in so many places (thanks google) that I regard it as marketing spam to make people click on the link rather than any serious attempt to ask a meaningful question.

I have no reply on my question. Just my post comments like this. So it's already interesting to me anybody tell me smth about EXECryptor. Or nobody of developers community is not familiar with software protection?

You are on the right track. EXECryptor is enough strong protection. it obfuscates app code on the machine commands level. Also one of its main "pros" is that it does not decrypt the code at all. The wrapped app runs in a "garbage" state.

"Cons": icreases app size.


You are on the right track. EXECryptor is enough strong protection. it obfuscates app code on the machine commands level. Also one of its main "pros" is that it does not decrypt the code at all. The wrapped app runs in a "garbage" state.

"Cons": icreases app size.

However it is not necessary to obfuscate all the program. To make an app secure it is usually enough to protect only critical code snippets i.e. responsible for license verification, registration, trial functionnality etc. This way using ExeCryptor does not affect application execution speed

I'm wondering how many boards I'm going to see this spam on....

Yeah- it's a typical (and sadly transparent) spammer contrivance:

New Member A posts: "I've heard about this product called XYZ. People have told me it's really great, but I want to get some other opinions before I buy it. Has anyone here used XYZ?"

New Member B chimes in: "Hi- I've been using XYZ for quite some time now, and I can tell you that it really works. I'd recommend it to anyone!"

Now- would it surprise you know that the Daniweb membership database indicates that "Jean5" and "BillyColl" both registered from the same IP address? No... I didn't think you'd be surprised.

I was considering delteing this entire thread on the grounds of it being Spam, but I think I'll just leave it here instead. That way, if people are Googling for "EXECryptor", they can find this thread and come to their own conclusions about the product based on the way it has been *ahem* "marketed" here. [IMG]http://www.stevewolfonline.com/Downloads/DMR/Visuals/Smilies/possessed.gif[/IMG]

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