I'm re-kindling some of my C++ theory and was working through a C++ SringBuilder class I found on the net.
I understand it all except the 2 operator methods. (See listing below).
Can anyone explain what these operator methods are for and how and why you would impliment them.

class StringBuilder
private: std::basic_string<TCHAR> _fmtedString;

public: explicit StringBuilder()

public: StringBuilder(const TCHAR* pszFormat, ...)
           TCHAR buf[1024];

           va_list marker;
           va_start(marker, pszFormat);

#ifdef UNICODE
           vswprintf_s(buf, pszFormat, marker);
           vsprintf_s(buf, pszFormat, marker);

           _fmtedString = Convert::ToString(buf);

public: operator std::basic_string<TCHAR>() const
           return _fmtedString;

public: operator const TCHAR*() const
           return _fmtedString.c_str();

public: const TCHAR* ToString() const
           return _fmtedString.c_str();

public: void Append(const std::basic_string<TCHAR>& charStr)

public: void AppendLine(const std::basic_string<TCHAR>& charStr = _TXT(""))

Thanks in advance ... Milton

public: operator std::basic_string<TCHAR>() const
           return _fmtedString;

This means that the class can be interpreted as a basic_string when used.

public: operator const TCHAR*() const
           return _fmtedString.c_str();

In this case it will be interpreted as a TCHAR* pointer

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