hello. i'm only 15 year old and so i dont know much about vb6.0 .
i m using a code for a search button that would display the fields in a database(ms access) in textboxes when i select a date from the combobox
i used the code:

Adodc1.Recordset.Filter = "infodate='" & Combo1.Text & "'"
    If Adodc1.Recordset.RecordCount = 0 Then
    MsgBox "Record Not Found"
    combo1.Text = ""
   text2.text=adodc1.recordset.fields("money obtained from sales")
   text3.text=adodc1.recordset.fields("transport charges")
   ......and so on......
end if

i just want to know what's wrong with my code. i dont want any type of new code. just a correction to this one . it's got to be pretty simple.
i used ado data control and selected datasource of all textboxes as adodc1. the datafield property is empty.
please help me . i want answer within next 2-3 hours.
thankyou in advance.

so what is your problem?.. What is the error you encounter with your code?..

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