Function Cant()

   Dim cnview As New ADODB.connection
   Dim rsview As New ADODB.Recordset

Call connection(cnview, App.Path & "\Commissions.mdb", "endromida")
Call Recordset(rsview, cnview, "SELECT * FROM Commi_Cus")

   'If txtShaha = ("Commi_Cus" ,"Sha_no") Then
      'txtCou = Sha_no + 1
'    End If

End Function

Sample ADO using MS SQL and copying data to a listview. Change the connection string for access.

Dim con As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rec As New ADODB.Recordset

con.Open("Driver={SQL Server};Server=.\SQLEXPRESS;Database=PUBS;Trusted_Connection=yes;")
rec.Open("SELECT au_lname,au_fname,zip FROM authors", con, CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic)

Do Until rec.EOF
    ListView1.Items.Add(New ListViewItem({rec("au_lname").Value, rec("au_fname").Value, rec("zip").Value}))


Check this

Is there a question? I've seen some of your other posts and you seem to think that we are willing and able to answer questions that you can't be bothered to ask based on information that you can't be bothered to provide.

I don't wanna get record count in Listview. i want record cound in a text box as mentioned in my above 2 posts

Your query would be

"SELECT COUNT(*) AS numRecords FROM Commi_Cus"

and you can copy the value to a textbox by

txtNumRecords.Text = rec("numRecords").Value
Function Cant()

   Dim cnview As New ADODB.connection
   Dim rsview As New ADODB.Recordset

Call connection(cnview, App.Path & "\Commissions.mdb", "endromida")
Call Recordset(rsview, cnview, "SELECT COUNT(*) AS numRecords FROM Commi_Cus")

   If txtShaha = .Fields!Sha_no Then
      txtCou.Text = rec("numRecords").Value
    End If

End Function

Sorry not working as per your sugesttion...
error in this line If txtShaha = .Fields!Sha_no Then

That's your code that doesn't work. There is nowhere in my code where you will find

If txtShaha = .Fields!Sha_no Then

There is no need for the If statement. Doing a SELECT COUNT will always return a value unless the statement causes an error (for example, if the table does not exist).

here my intention is to get how many times Sha_no is repeated in table, when i enter that sha_no in txtshaha, i should get count of 5 times or 6 n another text box
can you please give me full code.
i am stucked fully.
Thanks in Advance

I am assuming that the Sub, Recordset, does what I expect. You didn't provide the code so I can't tell for sure.

Dim qry As String

qry = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS numRecords " _
    & "  FROM Commi_Cus " _ 
    & " WHERE Sha_no = " & txtShaha

Call Recordset(rsview, cnview, qry)

Dim numrec As Integer = rsview("numRecords").Value

If the database field is non-numeric then you should use

qry = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS numRecords " _
    & "  FROM Commi_Cus " _ 
    & " WHERE Sha_no = '" & txtShaha & "'"
Function Cant()

   Dim cnview As New ADODB.connection
   Dim rsview As New ADODB.Recordset
   Call connection(cnview, App.Path & "\Commissions.mdb", "endromida")
   Call Recordset(rsview, cnview, "SELECT COUNT(*) AS numRecords FROM Commi_Cus")

      txtShaha = .Fields!Sha_no
     txtCou.Text = rec("numRecords").Value
   End If

End Function
commented: Lazy. -3

You insist on posting code without asking a question. Because you seem to be unwilling to go to the effort of explaining yourself, I refuse to put in any more effort.

Option Explicit
Dim tr_no As String
Private rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Private ForeColors(0 To 2, 0 To 1) As Long
Private BackColors(0 To 2, 0 To 1) As Long
Private Sub Form_load()

Combo3.AddItem "1"
Combo3.AddItem "2"
Combo3.AddItem "3"
Combo3.AddItem "4"
Combo3.AddItem "5"
Combo3.AddItem "6"
Combo3.AddItem "7"
Combo3.AddItem "8"
Combo3.AddItem "9"
Combo3.AddItem "10"
Combo3.AddItem "11"
Combo3.AddItem "12"
Combo3.AddItem "13"
Combo3.AddItem "14"
Combo3.AddItem "15"
Combo3.AddItem "16"
Combo3.AddItem "17"
Combo3.AddItem "18"
Combo3.AddItem "19"
Combo3.AddItem "20  "

   ForeColors(1, 0) = vbBlue
   ForeColors(1, 1) = BackColor
   BackColors(1, 0) = BackColor
   BackColors(1, 1) = BackColor
   tmrBlink.Interval = 500
   tmrBlink.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub cmdNew_Click()
tr_no = autogen
frmCommission_Entry.txtSeno = tr_no
frmCommission_Entry.txtEdate = Date
End Sub
Private Sub cmdSave_Click()

Dim cnuser As New ADODB.connection
Dim rsuser As New ADODB.Recordset

If sempty(txtFulNa.Text) = True Then Exit Sub
If sempty(txtFan.Text) = True Then Exit Sub
If sempty(txtEdate.Text) = True Then Exit Sub
If sempty(txtShaha.Text) = True Then Exit Sub
If sempty(txtSeno.Text) = True Then Exit Sub
If sempty(txtFisNa.Text) = True Then Exit Sub
If sempty(txtSecNa.Text) = True Then Exit Sub
If sempty(txtLasNa.Text) = True Then Exit Sub
If sempty(txt1stID.Text) = True Then Exit Sub
If sempty(txtExpDate.Text) = True Then Exit Sub
If sempty(txtMob.Text) = True Then Exit Sub
If sempty(txtChq.Text) = True Then Exit Sub
If sempty(txtBank.Text) = True Then Exit Sub
If sempty(Combo3.Text) = True Then Exit Sub
If sempty(txtPrn.Text) = True Then Exit Sub

Call connection(cnuser, App.Path & "\Commissions.mdb", "endromida")
'Call connection(cnuser, "\\mika\medrar\Commissions.mdb", "endromida")
Call Recordset(rsuser, cnuser, "SELECT * FROM commi_cus")

With rsuser
Call shasta
.Fields!funa = txtFulNa.Text
.Fields!Sha_no = txtShaha.Text
.Fields!Edate = txtEdate.Text
.Fields!tr_no = txtSeno.Text
.Fields!fami_na = txtFan.Text
.Fields!first_na = txtFisNa.Text
.Fields!sec_na = txtSecNa.Text
.Fields!last_na = txtLasNa.Text
.Fields!cus_id = txt1stID.Text
.Fields!cus_mo = txtMob.Text
.Fields!exp_date = txtExpDate.Text
.Fields!cus_mo = txtMob.Text
.Fields!ch_no = txtChq.Text
.Fields!ba = txtBank.Text
.Fields!tran_co = Combo3.Text
.Fields!pro_na = txtPrn.Text
End With

MsgBox "Successfully Saved.", vbInformation
Call cmdRePrint_Click

Call clear

Set cnuser = Nothing
Set rsuser = Nothing

End Sub
Private Sub lvButtons_H2_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Function autogen() As String

   Dim cnview As New ADODB.connection
   Dim rsview As New ADODB.Recordset

Call connection(cnview, App.Path & "\Commissions.mdb", "endromida")
Call Recordset(rsview, cnview, "SELECT max(tr_no)FROM Commi_Cus")

    If IsNull(rsview(0)) = True Then
        autogen = "T-0000"
        autogen = "T-" & Format(Right$(Trim$(rsview(0)), 4) + 1, "0000")
        End If

End Function
Public Sub clear()

txtSeno.Text = ""
txtShaha.Text = ""
txtEdate = Format(Date, "dd-mm-yyyy")
txtFan.Text = ""
txtFisNa.Text = ""
txtSecNa.Text = ""
txtLasNa.Text = ""
txt1stID.Text = ""
txtExpDate = Format(Date, "dd-mm-yyyy")
txtChq.Text = ""
txtBank.Text = ""
txtMob.Text = ""
txtFulNa.Text = ""
txtPrn.Text = ""

End Sub
Private Sub lvButtons_H5_Click()
Call cmdRePrint_Click
End Sub
Private Sub txtPrn_Change()
IntelliSense txtPrn, "commi_cus", "pro_na"
End Sub
Private Sub txtshaha_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtprn_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub combo3_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txt1stid_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtchq_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtbank_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdRePrint_Click()
Call ConnectMe
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset

rs.Open "select * from commi_cus where tr_no = '" & txtSeno.Text & "'", con, 1, 3

If rs.RecordCount = 0 Then
    MsgBox "No Record Found On Query.", vbCritical, "Medrar"

    'Set Sales_Agreement.DataSource = rs
    Set DataReport1.DataSource = rs
    Unload Me
    'ChngPrinterOrientationPortrait Me
End If

Set rs = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub txtshaha_Change()
IntelliSense txtShaha, "Commi_Cus", "sha_no"
Call pre
End Sub
Private Sub tmrBlink_Timer()
Static State As Integer

Dim fore_color As Long
Dim i As Integer

    ' Toggle the state.
    State = 1 - State

    ' Set the colors.
    For i = 1 To 1
'        lblBlink(i).ForeColor = ForeColors(i, State)

    Next i
End Sub
Function Cant()

  Dim cnview As New ADODB.connection
   Dim rsview As New ADODB.Recordset
Call connection(cnview, App.Path & "\Commissions.mdb", "endromida")
Call Recordset(rsview, cnview, "SELECT COUNT(*) AS numRecords FROM Commi_Cus")

      txtShaha = .Fields!Sha_no
     txtCou.Text = rec("numRecords").Value
   End If

End Function
Private Sub cus()

Dim cnview As New ADODB.connection
Dim rsemployee As New ADODB.Recordset

Call connection(cnview, App.Path & "\Commissions.mdb", "endromida")
Call Recordset(rsemployee, cnview, "SELECT * FROM customer WHERE idcn =" & txt1stID.Text & "")

If rsemployee.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox "The record you requested could not be found.", vbExclamation, "Medrar"
Exit Sub
End If

With rsemployee
txtFan.Text = .Fields!fname
txtFisNa.Text = .Fields!fsna
txtSecNa.Text = .Fields!sena
txtLasNa.Text = .Fields!trna
txtFulNa.Text = .Fields!funame
txtMob.Text = .Fields!mobie
txtExpDate.Text = .Fields!exd
End With

Set cnview = Nothing
Set rsemployee = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub txt1stid_Change()
IntelliSense txt1stID, "customer", "idcn"
Call cus
End Sub
Private Sub pre()
Dim cnview As New ADODB.connection
Dim rsemployee As New ADODB.Recordset

Call connection(cnview, App.Path & "\Commissions.mdb", "endromida")
Call Recordset(rsemployee, cnview, "SELECT * FROM commi_cus WHERE sha_no =" & txtShaha.Text & "")

If recexist("commi_cus", "sha_no", txtShaha.Text, cnview) = True Then Call hlfocus(txtPrt): Exit Sub

With rsemployee

txtPrt.Text = .Fields!funa

End With
End Sub
Function shasta()

    Dim cnview As New ADODB.connection
    Dim rsview As New ADODB.Recordset

Call connection(cnview, App.Path & "\Commissions.mdb", "endromida")
Call Recordset(rsview, cnview, "SELECT * FROM Commi_Cus")

    If recexist("commi_cus", "sha_no", txtShaha.Text, cnview) = False Then
        Call st
        Call stay
    End If
End Function
Private Sub st()
txtstat.Text = " Present"
End Sub
Private Sub stay()
txtstat.Text = " Transfred"
End Sub

This is my code
Please verify
Sorry for my previous post

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