I'm trying to implement a stack in C++, but i got stuck

Here's my code


using namespace std;

template<class Type>
class stackTDA
  virtual void initializeStack() = 0;
  virtual bool isEmptyStack() = 0;
  virtual bool isFullStack() = 0;
  virtual void push(const Type& newItem) = 0;
  virtual Type top() const = 0;
  virtual void pop() = 0;

// ... stack ...
template<class Type>
class stack : public stackTDA<Type>
  const stack<Type>& operator = (const stack<Type>&);

  void initializeStack();

  bool isEmptyStack() const;

  bool isFullStack() const;

  void push(const Type& newItem);

  Type top() const;

  void pop();

  stack(int intstackSize = 100);

  stack(const stack<Type>& otherStack);


  int intmaxStackSize;
  int intstackTop;
  Type *list;

// inicializa la pila
template<class Type>
void stack<Type>::initializeStack()
  intstackTop = 0;

// pila vacía
template<class Type>
bool stack<Type>::isEmptyStack() const
  return (intstackTop == 0);

// pila llena
template<class Type>
bool stack<Type>::isFullStack() const
  return (intstackTop == intmaxStackSize);

// push
template<class Type>
void stack<Type>::push(const Type& newItem)
  if (!isFullStack())
    list[intstackTop] = newItem;
    cout << "No se puede agregar,  pila llena" << endl;

// regresa el elemento más arriba de la pila
template<class Type>
Type stack<Type>::top() const
  assert(intstackTop != 0);
  return list[intstackTop - 1];

// pop
template<class Type>
void stack<Type>::pop()
  if (!isEmptyStack())
    cout << "No se puede quitar elementos a una lista vacía" << endl;

// constructor & destructor
template<class Type>
stack<Type>::stack(int intstackSize)
  if (intstackSize <= 0)
    cout << "el tamaño de la lista debe de ser positivo" << endl;
    cout << "creando un arreglo de tamaño 100" << endl;

    intmaxStackSize = 100;
    intmaxStackSize = intstackSize;

  intstackTop = 0;
  list = new Type[intmaxStackSize];

//  destructor
template<class Type>
  delete [] list;

// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
int main()
  int intLim = 100;
  stack<int> stack1;

  for (intLim = 0;intLim<100;intLim++)
    int b = rand() % 100 + 1;

  cout << "Los elementos de la pila: " << endl;
  while (!stack1.isEmptyStack())
    cout << stack1.top() << " ";

When i try to compile it, this error appears:
error: cannot declare variable ‘stack1’ to be of abstract type ‘stack<int>’ stack<int> stack1

Any idea on how to fix this? (o.O) (?)

You have mismatching const on your functions. In the derived class, you have:

  bool isEmptyStack() const;
  bool isFullStack() const;

And in the base class you have:

  virtual bool isEmptyStack() = 0;
  virtual bool isFullStack() = 0;

The base class functions should be:

  virtual bool isEmptyStack() const = 0;
  virtual bool isFullStack() const = 0;

The compiler says that the stack class is abstract because your derived-class functions did not match the base-class ones, and therefore, left pure virtual functions remaining without a derived-class implementation.

Wow, thanks Mike, this worked like a charm :)

I took this example from a book.

And again, thanks a lot.

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