Dear forum,
i have created an application for speech to text using windows speech recognition.
My question is regarding custom grammar and training the words since it is in my native language and are not supported at first place.
I came up with a solution to dock windows speech recognition application in one of my forms and use the "Add a new word option" ,since i want the user to have it embeded in his form,but until now i have not find any posts or solutions.
Also is it possible to add to the default grammar words by pressing for example a button in my form and not having to right-click->properties->add word from windows speech recognition gui?
Thank you..

You can embed a form in another form by placing the child form on a panel!

For example:

Dim frmMain As New MainForm
frmMain.FormBorderStyle = Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None
frmMain.WindowState = Windows.Forms.FormWindowState.Maximized
frmMain.TopLevel = False

If he's like me he probably had several questions open in different tabs and replied to the wrong one.

I guess I need to work on my reading comprehension. I completely misunderstood the question and focused on emending the form.

My Apologies

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