Hey guys,
I am making a script here to read from windows registry. The problem that I am facing is that at a certain point I start getting an error that the file does not exist. First Here is what I am doing

net = r"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList\Signatures\Unmanaged"
key = OpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, net)

and I get an error that the file does not exist ..

so I tried going through the path and it works until the part where I place Signatures at the file path. I tried changing signatures to other directories in NetworkList but it always keeps complaining that it doesn't exist although I can see it in ragedit that there is a directory Signatures, Permissions, Profiles etc ..

Any ideas?

Hey Grib,
I just got it running. The problem was that I had to delete python 32bit and install python 64 bit instead, works like a charm =) (Found it as a solution somewhere else on the net)

Interesting, do you think you need to use a 64bit version of Python because you have a 64bit computer?

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