Hey guys I have a program download link here... (link deleted) This program is used to purchase a pair of sneaker on adidas.com. I am a rookie in coding and have no idea what to do with it. I know it is a python file and you are supposed to open the adidas.py in pythonjs.

I also have this information which I have no idea what it means...

SHA1 e858427031d902fe174dae7d9c02c6c0846bff72


Aquaris_E4.5 OTA 2015-02-10T09:40:22.557Z a73ff7e80564923b1796a07ceedf8c4d686fffcda6d61899f0dda2028ae9dfce

Once again I am a rookie and have minimal knowledge about computer programing. If somebody can explain how to use this I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

Hm, the RAR file contains two exe programs which are fired by the python program. It is probably a virus or spyware. The best thing to do is not to run this program. It could very well erase all your files for example.

I have removed the link from the original post to prevent members downloading it and the potential for problems if they do...

I know for a fact that it is not spyware.... i am having trouble opening the files with phantomjs... can you lead me in the right direction?

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