I have some number 1 to 5. How to find top 3 number in that range ?

For example, in the range of 1 to 5 , I want to show only 1 to 3 in the the text box.

  1. Put the numbers into an array
  2. Sort the array in ascending order
  3. Take the "top" 3

Your definition of "top 3" seems to be "the first 3". My definition of "top 3" would be the three largest. If this is a homework assignment I suggest you get a clear definition.

Yup , it was "the first 3" . Sorry for mistake.

Actually that numbers, I extracted from DatagridView. Then I need to find the "first 3".

I manage to extract it and scan the maximum. But I still stuck to figured it out to find the "first 3"

Here my first code :

            Dim aa3 As Decimal = 0
            Dim bb3 As Decimal = 0
            Dim cc3 As Decimal = 0
            Dim dd3 As Decimal = 0
            Dim ee3 As Decimal = 0

            aa3 = Convert.ToDecimal(DataGridView1.Rows(4 - 2).Cells(4).Value)
            bb3 = Convert.ToDecimal(DataGridView1.Rows(52 - 2).Cells(4).Value)
            cc3 = Convert.ToDecimal(DataGridView1.Rows(100 - 2).Cells(4).Value)
            dd3 = Convert.ToDecimal(DataGridView1.Rows(148 - 2).Cells(4).Value)
            ee3 = Convert.ToDecimal(DataGridView1.Rows(196 - 2).Cells(4).Value)

            ' Create a list of Long values. 
            Dim longs3 As New List(Of Double)(New Double() _
                                                   {aa3, bb3, cc3, dd3, ee3})

            ' Get the maximum value in the list. 
            Dim max3 As Double = longs3.Max()

            ' Display the result.
            TextBox7.Text = Format(max3, "0.00")

Hi Reverend Jim,

I manage to find the first 3 numbers. But, when I put them in a texbox, it become more messy . How to show in 3 textbox ?

Here my 2nd code:

        Dim Baa3 As Decimal = 0
        Dim Bbb3 As Decimal = 0
        Dim Bcc3 As Decimal = 0
        Dim Bdd3 As Decimal = 0
        Dim Bee3 As Decimal = 0

        Baa3 = Convert.ToDecimal(DataGridView1.Rows(4 - 2).Cells(4).Value)
        Bbb3 = Convert.ToDecimal(DataGridView1.Rows(52 - 2).Cells(4).Value)
        Bcc3 = Convert.ToDecimal(DataGridView1.Rows(100 - 2).Cells(4).Value)
        Bdd3 = Convert.ToDecimal(DataGridView1.Rows(148 - 2).Cells(4).Value)
        Bee3 = Convert.ToDecimal(DataGridView1.Rows(196 - 2).Cells(4).Value)

        ' Create a list of Long values. 
        Dim longs3 As New List(Of Double)(New Double() _
                                               {Baa3, Bbb3, Bcc3, Bdd3, Bee3})

        ' first three values. 

        Dim topThreeGrades As IEnumerable(Of Double) = _
            longs3 _
            .OrderByDescending(Function(grade) grade) _

        ' Display the results. 
        Dim output As New System.Text.StringBuilder("The first three values are:" & vbCrLf)

        For Each grade As Double In topThreeGrades

        TextBox1.Text = output.ToString()
        TextBox2.Text = output.ToString()
        TextBox3.Text = output.ToString()

You can get the required numbers from the grid by

    Dim arr(4) As Integer
    Dim i As Integer = 0

    For Each r As Integer In {2, 50, 98, 146, 194}
        arr(i) = DataGridView1.Rows(r).Cells(4).Value
        i += 1

and you can sort the numbers by


copy the numbers to the textboxes by

TextBox1.Text = arr(0)

I used integers for my example. Modify as required for your data type.

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