heyy can anyone please help me with this homework in java because i am new at this
Create a program where it should appear in a dialog box your name,last name and the avarage of four exams

heyy can anyone please help me with this homework

yes, there are many people here who will help you.
But that means "help you to learn how to d o it yourself". Nobody will do it for you.
Show what you have done so far, and explain where and why you are stuck, and someone will help.

This is what I have done so far

 import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class Mesatarja1 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
    JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Vendos emrin");
    JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Vendos noten e matematikes");
    JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Vendos noten e letersise");
    JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Vendos noten e anglishtes");
    JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Vendos noten e lendes me zgjedhje 1");
    JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Vendos  noten e lendes me zgjedhje 2");}

@a, now I've really worried that you told the truth about new to this. Did you skip classes and not complete prior homework? The reason I ask is what you supplied is the beginning and classes build on prior lessons adding as you go.

I would find it hard to believe you were given this assignment without having to write a small thing that would ask for some information.

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