NKR13 0 Newbie Poster
I have been 2 player programming othello. The program checks for possible areas to place piece "O" and flips pieces. I have got the code for "X" ready too but I can't get the program to switch to player2 "X" and execute code associated to it. Can someone help?
class Grid
    private int p1numberofmoves = 0;
    private int p2numberofmoves = 0;
    private const int BOARDSIZE = 9;
    private const string White_piece = "X"; // computer piece
    private const string Black_piece = "O"; // player piece
    private const string Player2 = "X";
    private const string Player1 = "O";
    private const string Empty = " ";
    private const string posible_move = "*";
    private static readonly string line = new string('-', 68);
    private static readonly string header = $"\t {1} |\t {2} |\t {3} |\t {4} |\t {5} |\t {6} |\t {7} |\t {8} |"; //"\t"
   const int Row = 9;
    const int Column = 9;
    private string[,] board = new string[9, 9];
   public void Draw_Board() // creates the reversi board

   for (int row = 1; row < BOARDSIZE; ++row)
            for (int col = 1; col < BOARDSIZE; ++col)
                Console.Write($"\t {board[row, col]}  |"); //"\t"
        if (p1numberofmoves > p2numberofmoves)
      public void ResetBoard()
       board[4, 4] = White_piece;
        board[5, 4] = Black_piece;
        board[4, 5] = Black_piece;
        board[5, 5] = White_piece;
      public void Player1makeMove()
        int row;
        int column;
  Console.WriteLine("Player enter the Row coordinate");
        row = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
   Console.WriteLine("Player enter the Column coordinate");
        column = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
        IsValid(row, column);
  public void switchToPlayer2()
        string input;
        Console.WriteLine("Player 2 are you ready");
        input = Console.ReadLine();   
  if (input == "yes" || input == "Yes")
    // switches to player 2 and they make their move
  public void Player2makeMove()
        int row;
        int column;

   Console.WriteLine("Player2 enter the Row coordinate");
        row = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
   Console.WriteLine("Player2 enter the Column coordinate");
        column = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
  public bool IsValid(int row, int column)
        for (int R = 1; R < BOARDSIZE; ++R)
            for (int col = 1; col < BOARDSIZE; ++col)
                if (board[row, column] == posible_move) 
                    board[row, column] = Black_piece;
                    if (board[row + 1, column] == White_piece && board[row + 2, column] == Black_piece)
                    board[row + 1, column] = Black_piece;
                        Console.WriteLine("Piece at coordinate", (row + 1), column, "has been flipped");
                    if (board[row, column + 1] == White_piece && board[row, column + 2] == Black_piece)
                        board[row, column + 1] = Black_piece;
                        Console.WriteLine("Piece at coordinate", row, (column + 1), "has been flipped");
                    if (board[row, column - 1] == White_piece && board[row, column - 2] == Black_piece)
                        board[row, column - 1] = Black_piece;
                        Console.WriteLine("Piece at coordinate ", row, (column - 2), "has been flipped");
                    if (board[row - 1, column] == White_piece && board[row - 2, column] == Black_piece)
                        board[row - 1, column] = Black_piece;
                        Console.WriteLine("Coordinate avalible at", (row - 1), column);
      return true;
   public void Player1hasValidMoves()
     for (int R = 1; R < BOARDSIZE; ++R)
            for (int col = 1; col < BOARDSIZE; ++col)
   // EAST
                if (board[R, col] == Black_piece) 
                    if (board[R + 1, col] == White_piece && board[R + 2, col] == null)
                        board[R + 2, col] = posible_move;
                        Console.WriteLine("Coordinate avalible at", (R + 2), col);
                    if (board[R, col + 1] == White_piece && board[R, col + 2] == null)
                        board[R, col + 2] = posible_move;
                        Console.WriteLine("Coordinate avalible at", R, (col + 2));
                    if (board[R, col - 1] == White_piece && board[R, col - 2] == null)
                        board[R, col - 2] = posible_move;
                        Console.WriteLine("Coordinate avalible at", R, (col - 2));
                    if (board[R - 1, col] == White_piece && board[R - 2, col] == null)
                        board[R - 2, col] = posible_move;
                        Console.WriteLine("Coordinate avalible at", (R - 2), col);
    // Flips pieces for X 
    public void IsValidForPlayer2(int row, int column)
        for (int R = 1; R < BOARDSIZE; ++R)
            for (int col = 1; col < BOARDSIZE; ++col)
   // EAST
                if (board[row, column] == posible_move) 
                    board[row, column] = White_piece;
                    if (board[row + 1, column] == Black_piece && board[row + 2, column] == Black_piece)
                   board[row + 1, column] = White_piece;
                        Console.WriteLine("Piece at coordinate", (row + 1), column, "has been flipped");
                    if (board[row, column + 1] == Black_piece && board[row, column + 2] == Black_piece)
                        board[row, column + 1] = White_piece;
                        Console.WriteLine("Piece at coordinate", row, (column + 1), "has been flipped");
                    if (board[row, column - 1] == Black_piece && board[row, column - 2] == Black_piece)
                        board[row, column - 1] = White_piece;
                        Console.WriteLine("Piece at coordinate ", row, (column - 2), "has been flipped");
                    if (board[row - 1, column] == Black_piece && board[row - 2, column] == Black_piece)
                        board[row - 1, column] = White_piece;
                        Console.WriteLine("Coordinate avalible at", (row - 1), column);
 // Checks for posible places player 2 can make his move 
    public void Player2HasValidMoves()
        for (int R = 1; R < BOARDSIZE; ++R)
            for (int col = 1; col < BOARDSIZE; ++col)
   // EAST
                if (board[R, col] == White_piece) /*&& board[R + 1, col] == White_piece && board[R + 2, col] == Empty)*/
                    if (board[R + 1, col] == Black_piece && board[R + 2, col] == null)
                        board[R + 2, col] = posible_move;
                        Console.WriteLine("Coordinate avalible at", (R + 2), col);
                    if (board[R, col + 1] == Black_piece && board[R, col + 2] == null)
                        board[R, col + 2] = posible_move;
                        Console.WriteLine("Coordinate avalible at", R, (col + 2));
                    if (board[R, col - 1] == Black_piece && board[R, col - 2] == null)
                        board[R, col - 2] = posible_move;
                        Console.WriteLine("Coordinate avalible at", R, (col - 2));
                    if (board[R - 1, col] == Black_piece && board[R - 2, col] == null)
                        board[R - 2, col] = posible_move;
                        Console.WriteLine("Coordinate avalible at", (R - 2), col);
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