i need a tutorial or source code of any graphical programm (animation is preferred) in c++ using borland turbo c compiler v3. i shall be very thank full to any one who help me in this regard.

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What operating system are you using? If it's newer than Windows 95 or 98, then I don't think BGI will work. And I'm not sure about Windows 98.

i need a tutorial or source code of any graphical programm (animation is preferred) in c++ using borland turbo c compiler v3. i shall be very thank full to any one who help me in this regard.

that compiler does not compile c++ code -- its a C compiler.:rolleyes:

that compiler does not compile c++ code -- its a C compiler.:rolleyes:

Of course, there's nothing to stop you from downloading and using Borland's Turbo C++ compiler, although old, has a half-decent console graphics library.

Or save yourself a lot of grief in the long term by downloading a compiler which matches your OS.

Say dev-c++, and if you want graphics then grab the libsdl 'devpak' addition. Then visit www.libsdl.org for examples.

that compiler does not compile c++ code -- its a C compiler.:rolleyes:

Really? My copy of Turbo 1 does. When did they remove C++? :rolleyes:

There is no Turbo C 3, but there is a Turbo C++ 3...
There are still BGI tutorials floating around the net, and maybe some books in used book sales stuffing up old basement collections.
Pretty useless these days, I'd not spend any time on it.

Install Turbo C++
then type
then with ur blinking cursor on that word
then explore various available functions under it !

Really? My copy of Turbo 1 does. When did they remove C++? :rolleyes:

you probably have a Turbo C++ , not Turbo C compiler.:eek:

you probably have a Turbo C++ , not Turbo C compiler.:eek:

Interesting. I didn't realize they actually had a C-only compiler. I thought I bought mine as soon as it came out. I guess not... :o

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