Dear all,
Now I have a small program to communication via RS232 cable with 3964R protocol that is written by Borland C++, however I don't under stand it can be used on Win98 only. Any body please show what I could do to use this program on Win XP. Many thank for your help

You didn't say but I suspect that may be an old 16-bit program that is accessing ports directly. If that is correct then you will have to rewrite the program using win32 api communications functions. I think you will also find some examples in those links.

You didn't say but I suspect that may be an old 16-bit program that is accessing ports directly. If that is correct then you will have to rewrite the program using win32 api communications functions. I think you will also find some examples in those links.

Thank for your reply, that is right. But I would like ask you that Is there any software can convert this program to 32bit

Yes. A compiler.

Thank for your reply, that is right. But I would like ask you that Is there any software can convert this program to 32bit

you will have to port it yourself manually. I suppose you might be able to write a few wrapper functions for the 16-bit functions, such as write your own int86(), inp(), outp() etc. If you search google you might already find them, I don't know.

Yes. A compiler.

:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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