I need to do something like Play MIDI voice (in the C++ code Snippets page 5), actually, that's exactly what I need, but I would like to make it work in Visual C++ 2005... can someone help me with the configuration steps to make the project work?


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You just need to write the file in the device which plays midi file
in unix it is as simple as
cat midifile > /dev/mid0
however in windows, I think there are free library available which can help you playing midi file

Do You know a way to play MIDI sounds in visual C++?
Can someone help me with a piece of example code here?


Thanks if You can help

Maybe something like this or this.

Though it would be of no use to use if you don't have a firm grasp of the language.

Ok, i think I got it from the MSDN, the problem is that I just need to play a MIDI voice, not a full file.
So I needes something like Sound(Freq, Time, Instrument, Volume); to make the sounds that i read from a database. But it's ok...

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