I am trying to construct a 2 way paging with PIC Basic and two types of microcontrollers PIC16LF84A and PIC16F88. I have two parts of my system, a sensor node and a transponder. The sensor node has a 434 MHz transmitter (TLP-434) and a 315 MHz (TLP-315) receiver(RLP-315). The transponder has a 315 MHz transmitter and 434 MHz receiver (RLP-434). My link from the sensor node to the transponder works properly. But my link from the transponder to the sensor node does not work properly. The problem now is my PIC to PIC communication works perfectly with a wire. But when I connected them to the TLP-315 and RLP-315 transmitter and receiver pairs it either does not work or works intermittently. I am doing serout only once this time with 4 $55 and 1 $aa in the preamble. I told the receiver to count for $55 four times. I am using a breadboards. On one breadboard I have a 315 MHz receiver and 434 MHz transmitter and the other breadboard I have a 315 MHz transmitter and 434 MHz receiver. I have been trying all different combinations for the past week but it seems like my 315 MHz receivers are not working like they should. I do not know what is wrong I am basically doing the same thing in both links but one link works while the other does not. Is this a PIC problem or a RF module problem.

Transmitter (on Sensor node)
'IEEE Encoding
'Transmitter Code
Include "Modedefs.bas"
trisb = 0
u var byte : counter var byte : encode var byte : u = %1000
'u is the byte containing the input in binary, counter is a byte that describes the amount of bits to encode
'encode is the variable holding the encoded value
'Manchester encoding
For counter = 0 to 3
If u.0[counter]=0 Then
encode.0[counter*2]=0 : encode.0[counter*2+1]=1 'If it is a zero make the first bit 0 and second bit 1
encode.0[counter*2]=1 : encode.0[counter*2+1]=0 'If not then make first bit 1 and second bit 0
Next counter :
write 0, encode 'Write to EEPROM Location 0
High 1 'High on Port B Pin 1
Pause 1000 'Pause
Low 1 'Low on Port B Pin 1
serout PORTB.0, n2400, [ $55 , $55 ,$55, $55, $aa , encode ]: 'send out preamble and encoded from Port B Pin 0
goto main

Receiver (434 to 315) (on transponder)
Include "Modedefs.bas"

ct55 var byte: encoded1 var byte: s var byte: counter var byte: e var byte: action var byte:
encoded var byte: encoded2 var byte: action2 var byte: B0 var bit: B1 var bit: B0=1: B1=0
s=0: e=0: encoded1=0: counter = 0: action=0: action2=0: encoded=0: encoded2=0:


s=0: e=0: encoded1=0: action=0: action2=0: encoded=0: encoded2=0

ct55=0 'counter for $55 is zero

serin PORTB.0, n2400, encoded1
If encoded1 = $55 Then
ct55 = ct55 + 1
If ct55 = 4 Then goto Waitaa
goto Maina
goto Wait55

serin PORTB.0, n2400, encoded1
If encoded1 <> $aa Then goto Maina
serin PORTB.0, n2400, encoded1
write 0, encoded1

For counter = 0 to 3 : s.0[counter] = encoded1.0[counter*2]:Next counter
write 1,s

e = s:
If ((e.3=B0) and (e.2=B1)) Then
goto L3
write 2, s
goto Clr

If((s.1=0) and (s.0=0)) Then
write 3, action
High 6
Pause 1000
Low 6
For counter = 0 to 3
If action.0[counter]=0 Then
encoded.0[counter*2]=0 : encoded.0[counter*2+1]=1
encoded.0[counter*2]=1 : encoded.0[counter*2+1]=0
Next counter:
write 8, encoded
Low 4
For counter = 0 to 4
Pause 400
High 4
Pause 400
Low 4
Next counter:
'For counter = 0 to 5
serout PORTB.2, n2400, [$55,$55,$55,$55,$aa, encoded]
goto Clr
'Next counter:


If ((s.1=0) and (s.0=1)) Then
action2 = s: action2.1 = 1:
write 4, action2
High 5
Pause 2000
Low 5
For counter = 0 to 3
If action2.0[counter]=0 Then
encoded2.0[counter*2] = 0: encoded2.0[counter*2+1] = 1
encoded2.0[counter*2] = 1: encoded2.0[counter*2+1] = 0
Next counter:
write 9, encoded2
Low 4
For counter = 0 to 4
Pause 400
High 4
Pause 400
Low 4
Next counter
Low 1
For counter = 0 to 10
Pause 400
High 1
Pause 400
Low 1
Next counter:
'For counter = 0 to 5
serout PORTB.2, n2400, [$55,$55, $55, $55,$aa, encoded2]
goto Clr
'Next counter


Receiver code (315 Link), (on sensor node)
Include "Modedefs.bas"
ct55 var byte: encoded1 var byte: s var byte: counter var byte: e var byte:
s = 0: e = 0: encoded1 = 0: counter = 0:


ct55=0 'counter for $55 is zero

serin PORTB.0, n2400, encoded1
If encoded1 = $55 Then ct55 = ct55 + 1
If ct55 = 4 Then
goto Waitaa
goto Wait55
'goto Wait55

serin PORTB.0, n2400, encoded1
If encoded1 <> $aa Then goto Maina
serin PORTB.0, n2400, encoded1
write 0, encoded1

For counter = 0 to 3 : s.0[counter] = encoded1.0[counter*2]: Next counter
write 1,s

If (s.1=1) Then
goto L4
write 2,s
High 2
Pause 1000
Low 2
goto Maina

e = s
write 3, e
High 1
Pause 1000
Low 1
serout PORTB.3, n2400, [e]
goto Maina


Did anyone every find out anything on this topic?

I haven't gone tru your code yet but i am using those same modules... the thing is to use an encoder-decoder couple.... otherwise they work as you said, intermittently...

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