Could you please give some info regarding - What are basically linked lists . I know that they can be used as arrays and stacks and queues.

But confused a bit about FIFO and LIFO CONCEPTS. I cant understand how do we always access the stack from top.It is just like an array or is it entirely different.

I could not understand it in class.

Please help.

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You must ask specific questions, one at a time.

Linked List
is a type of data structure in which data is stored in nodes and each node points to the next node in the list. That is as simple as it gets.

FIFO means First In First Out. The data structure which is FIFO is the one in which the first element to be inserted is the first one to come out. Eg. Queue

LIFO means Last In First Out. The data structure which is LIFO is the one in which the last element to be inserted is the first one to come out. Eg. Stack

Thank you for clearly stating. I would definitely read the links for that would make the concept lucid , unlike my book which makes it so complex!

Thank you once again .

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