hello. my problem is, after login username and password in one form, then a new form will be appear. how to create coding to insert username in a label at new form after login. i have tried this coding but still not appear. please help me. thanks.....

Public Sub loadInfo()
On Error Resume Next

strSql = "SELECT Username FROM Customer WHERE Psswd='" & strPsswd & "'"
rec1.Open strSql, con, adOpenStatic

lblUsername.Caption = rec1!Username

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say u have two forms


in form1's any sub refer to form2's element

public sub loadinfo()
form2.lblUsername.Caption = rec1.Username
end sub

thanks. but still username not appear in other form.....

It will not, try to check if the username is appearing from the database.
check by this:
MsgBox rec1.username

hello. my problem is, after login username and password in one form, then a new form will be appear. how to create coding to insert username in a label at new form after login. i have tried this coding but still not appear. please help me. thanks.....

Public Sub loadInfo()
On Error Resume Next

strSql = "SELECT Username FROM Customer WHERE Psswd='" & strPsswd & "'"
rec1.Open strSql, con, adOpenStatic

lblUsername.Caption = rec1!Username

use this approach in ur coding :-

1. add a standard module in ur project from project->add module
2. in the module declare a public variable to store the username.the sysntax is :-
Public strUsername as String
3. then in the login form whenver you enter the username and password and hit the login button just pass the username to the above variable. the syntax is :-
strUsername=<your username>
4. after this you can access the value you just have passed to this variable from each and every form of your project. like in form2' label :-

Note : a public variable has a wide range than the usual standard variables which we declare using the 'Dim' keyword. Public variables are always declared by the 'Public' keyword and it has the effect to the entire project.

hope it will solve out ur probs.


Make the variable storin g the username a public variable in a standard module.

for your solution.

create the labels ie Label1 (for the username), in the form you wish you display to.
Then in that form eg frmLoggedin, write this code:

Private Label1()
Label1.Caption= frmLogIn.txtUserName.texxt
End Sub

That is all you have to do fro the Logged in User to see their UserName after log in.
NB: The frmLogIn is the form that you are using to login to the system
The frmLoggedIn is the form you would like to display the UserName logged in.

For more details just mail back.

use a global variable to hold the data (use public instead of dim) and then any form can use it

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