Hi, i have got this assignment to to which is due in like 3 days, m in high school so n0t so clued up. My asssignment is to create a database with MS Access, n to create a jdbc-odbc link so that the user can extract the data from the database, and request queries on it. my project is done to the extent that i have xtracted the data into a vector(Just learnt it so i use it alot). I would like to use my current class, LMS, as just a class to extract the data. the help i need is how to create and link other classes to it. my database holds information on stock records, and the queries that i want the user to have available is the geneal description of an item of a certain user inputted stock code, its price, expiry date, and quantity left. i also think i should create a transaction class to insert/delete stuff in the database, when stock is sold/bought..i dunno how to use the code tags, but here oes, my code will be in the next post, any ideas or simpler methods??help pls

import java.sql.*;

    public class LMS
       public static boolean loadODBC()
            return true;
             catch (Exception e)
               System.out.println("Not Connected\n");
               return false;
       public static void main(String[]args)
         String StockNum,ProdName,Description,Warehouse,ExpDate;
         int CostPrice;//declare
         Connection conn;
         Statement set;
         String sql;
         ResultSet rs;
            sql="SELECT*FROM StockTable";
               StockNum=rs.getString("Stock Num");
               ProdName=rs.getString("Name of Product");
               CostPrice=rs.getInt("Cost Price (per pack)");
               ExpDate=rs.getString("Date of Expiration");
             catch(Exception e)
               System.out.println("error");//my program now catches this exception??howcome?
       private static String spaces(String s,int width)
         String temp="";
         for(int i = 0;i<=width-s.length();i++)
            temp=temp+" ";
         return temp;

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