I hope that you could help me and solve this problem to me:

write a program to read lines of characters and prints the average number of vowels (a,e,o,i.u) and the average number of characters digits that appear in each line. the input is terminated by by intering '$'. you should consider all lower and upper vowels in the input.

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Yes, we can help, once you've read the rules as you were asked many times diring your registration process.

Start small, say with a program which just reads user input and prints it straight back to the user.
End the program with the input of a $ as per your specification.

Then think about your line statistics, maybe with counting vowels, then calculating the averages.

Start small, say with a program which just reads user input and prints it straight back to the user.
End the program with the input of a $ as per your specification.

Then think about your line statistics, maybe with counting vowels, then calculating the averages.

Salem, Good method of explaining it. I think it can be taken a bit farther, as a beginning programmer myself i often find the use of pseudo code to be extremely helpful.
Dooda here is a very good example of Psuedo code so you get an Idea http://www.coderookie.com/2006/tutorial/the-pseudocode-programming-process/

Pseudo code is basically just writing out the steps the code will take to complete a given task, in plain English so that any one can decipher what the program is supposed to do and code an answer appropriately.

I hope the pseudo code idea helps you visualize your program a little bit better.

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