hi everyone

I have a question: how do you divide in java. by it being that the first number must be divisible by the second number.

float x = 10.0;
float y = 2.0;
float z = x/y;

System.out.printf("x == %f, y == %f, x/y == %f\n", x, y , z);

If x is exactly divisible by y then that means x modulo y must be zero (ie the remainder is zero). Java uses the % operator for modulo

thnz j and rubberman

hello james, rubberman, stultuske

I am trying to get the last round of this game to generate random numbers from 1 to 25 and the second random numbers to generate from 2 to 9 and of which the first number must be divisible by the second numbers.
i am wondering if the codes that i have created will be able to do just as the question ask.

note that: I haven't finished coding as yet

here is the codes that I have created so far.

for(i = 9; i<=10; i++)
                        rand  = 1 + randobj.nextInt(25);
                        rand2 = 2 + randobj.nextInt(8);
                        correctans = rand / rand2;
                        incorrectans = 25 + randobj.nextInt(59);

                        while(num1 %2 != 0) would this work 
                          if(num1 % num2 !=0)this also, will it work or do i have it wrong
                         System.out.println(playername+"round 3"+ "level "+ i+ "question "+i+ "you are required to match the letter with the correct answer");
                            System.out.println(playername+" please divide "+ rand+ " / "+ rand2);

                            System.out.println("B:"+ incorrectans);
                            choice = userinput.next().charAt(0);

generate random numbers from 1 to 25 and the second random numbers to generate from 2 to 9 and of which the first number must be divisible by the second numbers.

One approach is trial and error - easy to code but inefficient in execution (not a problem with these values, but does not scale well)

    generate both random numbers
while (their modulo is not zero)

another way is to generate the second random number (2-9) and a random multiplyer (1- 25/firstnumber) . Mutliply those together to get the first number. This will always work first time.

i got the division part also to work thanks guys

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