In my php code, I make for user for upload their files, to ftp. For several months, its work. No problem at all. But recently they said cannot upload their files, which is larger than 5MB. Previously, they can upload for 300MB or more. I ask my hosting, but they say that their network is OK. I tested my code on localhost, and it can upload even more than 1 GB data! Any ideas about that trouble?

How is this script working? Through command line or through web interface? Do you have access and error logs of the web server (in case of web interface) and of the FTP server?

My encounter with this had various end user problems. The short list is: they changed browsers, security suites and had malware.

@cereal: script was working through web interface. I'll check error logs. Not thought before! Thanks :)

Does your script has a connection time out? This can happen if the end user's internet connetcion is slow and also if they are also behind the proxy or their network connection has some blockings in sertain ports. In my case it was the network which had certain ports being blocked so I wasn't able to access but if they can access, maybe your script/server has some sort of time out which will result in those who are using slow connection not being able to upload large files.

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