Hello house please i need assistance.
I need to rewrite urls in a particular folder so that the folder name is not shown when visiting the page or pages inside that folder. And am doing this or intend to archive this through .htaccess


example.com/ folder/aboutus.php

But i want it to look like this example.com/aboutus

I don't want to move the pages into the root director,

Using redirects in .htaccess files allows you to redirect users from the old page to the new page without having to keep the old page.

You can find examples on how to re-write a url HERE with a step by step tutorial.

Also read THIS as a solution.

I did but after rewriting the folder from i discovered that my images and css files and java files are no longer working of effective in the pages, what could be the problem?

Below is my code that i used to rewrite it from localhost/money/pages/somepages.php to localhost/money/somepages.php

Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(.*)pages
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ pages/$1 [L]

All my images that i src to the pages, and my css files and javascript stop working and not being accessed even when the correct links are pointed to the image path correctly in a relative path localhost/money/static/images/good.jpg when i view the source on my browser everything looks fine but the images are not showing, why?

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