I'm developing an application that sends emails to customers. The body of the email contains a URL encoded hyperlink back to our site kind of like this:


In Yahoo, GMail, Outlook, etc. the link works fine. However Hotmail is decoding the link before it sends:

http://myserver/myfolder/test.cfm?id=@WUE^[MA6 9J?%3D5B%258D^K5@^%2BD<;5U) '((OZ<,%2BFU%25(

Anyone know how to fix this problem with Hotmail?

Hotmail will scramble anything that is surrounded by quotes in html, so remove all single and double quotes from the email. In other words:

<a href="http://www.google.com">

would need to be

<a href=http://www.google.com>
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