I have two select tags.

When I select the first value in the first tag the corresponding values in the second tag should appear.

How would I do this?

I am using php to select which values appear on loading.

Thankyou, Regards X

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All 5 Replies

you want two drop down lists, one based another...
if so, go through this thread's attached ones...

I went through the php example and it looks like what I need (unable to run it).

Can you summarise the javascript functions that change it?

It seems the functions chgeitems1 and 2 do the job but its echoed in php and is abit confusing.

Ill try to work with it in the mean till tell you get a chance to reply.

Thanks again Shanti.

post your tried code and errors if any....

I am trying to work through your code it is very confusing with the html integrated with php but it seems that once you select a city then a place appears im looking more for something like this: http://www.carsales.com.au/
Once you select the make the models are changed.

Is something like this possible?

Thankyou, Regards X

My previous thread is same like what you want....
if you don't know php then ajax attachment , try is...they are properly working.....

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