I create a php form that lot oif image in it and it can display to my computer but when i upload to the apache it cant show the image already why this will happen??

Can anyone tell me why

Hello gingank, you're not too clear with your post, but it could either be a problem with your .htaccess file, or with the path your script takes images from (permissions, folder names, etc). Be more specific with your questions (maybe a code sample or two).

Hello gingank, you're not too clear with your post, but it could either be a problem with your .htaccess file, or with the path your script takes images from (permissions, folder names, etc). Be more specific with your questions (maybe a code sample or two).

It is need to do the change in the .htaccess file then only can show the image cause my code just very simple. I design the web site using html code

here the code

<th width="185" scope="col"><img src="file:///C|/logo.gif" width="200" height="114" /></th>

Well, there's your problem, [...]<img src="file:///C|/logo.gif"[...], instead of that file:/// it should read something like <img src="<dir_where_you_store_images/image_filename.ext>" width="200" and so on. Hope you understand what I mean by that, if not please leave reply for more help.


<img src="file:///C|/logo.gif'

this specifies a file on the local file system drive c: root
on your http server the file path is
or a relative path
./file this folder
../file parent folder
../folder/file subfolder of parent folder
if the images are in the current folder the img src is " src='logo.gif' "

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