Hey guys,
I am intrested in making a web application. I wanted to ask whether ASP.NET is sufficient or should i learn any other language in .NET like C#??
Will ASP.NET be sufficient in making a web application???

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ASP.NET can either be VB code or C# code. I would say it is an excellent choice for a web application. C# is what most companies use (I know there will be people who disagree) and is very closely related to Java. So if you want to take the time to learn it you won't go wrong. If you don't already now VB.NET I'd say jump in and learn C#....if you already know VB.NET just use what you know.

Just my two cents.

I use VB.NET for both windows and web applications but I've been learning Java and C# seems like it's cousin.

Good luck friend.

Asp.Net is the name for .Net web applications. like a windows or mobile .net application it must be coded somehow, and that coding language is any of the .net languages like C#

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