I think this is more of a SQL query but how do I change my Grid Viewso that it displays a currency in the proper format of $ with 2 decimal places only? As it stands it is only like 194.9500 format.

Cheers again.

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If the curreny data is a bound column in the GridView, then use the DataFormatString property to format data.

commented: good +8

Hi There

Pls. try this

Text='<%#  Bind ("price", "$ {0:f2)") %>'>

Mark as fixed if it helps you!!!

I think this is more of a SQL query but how do I change my Grid Viewso that it displays a currency in the proper format of $ with 2 decimal places only? As it stands it is only like 194.9500 format.

Cheers again.


Use this link



<asp:BoundField  DataField="Price"   HeaderText="Item Price" ReadOnly="True" DataFormatString="{0:c}" HtmlEncode="False">
                        <HeaderStyle  HorizontalAlign="Center" />


please mark as solved.

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