Hello- I am pretty new to JSP

I need some help with a GET method. Apparently IE has a URL length limitation..

IE0- "If you are using the GET method, you are limited to a maximum of 2,048 characters, minus the number of characters in the actual path."

By sending all the variables I was hitting the IE browser limitation on length of GET parameters (URL length). So I attempted to shorted it up a bit by taking out some variables that are sent in the handoff template. It's no longer a long url issue, but it still does not seem to work right. Can someone take a look at my code and see if I am doing something wrong?


<form name="RedirectForm" method="Get" ACTION="<%=forwardUrl%>">


                Enumeration paramNames = request.getParameterNames();



                        String name = (String)paramNames.nextElement();

                        //if(name.equals("url") || name.equals("id"))


                        //      continue;



                <input type="hidden" name="<%=name%>" value="<%=request.getParameter(name)%>">

                <%} %>


                if (processBean.getProcess() != null) {


                <input type="hidden" name="_label" value="<bean:write name='processBean' property='label'/>">

                <input type="hidden" name="_title" value="<bean:write name='processBean' property='title'/>">

                <input type="hidden" name="_actorsUserID" value="<%=request.getRemoteUser()%>">

                <input type="hidden" name="_processId" value="<bean:write name='processBean' property='id'/>">

                <input type="hidden" name="_owner" value="<bean:write name='processBean' property='owner'/>">

                <%--<logic:iterate id="operandBean" name="contextOperands" property="operands" type="com.oakgrovesystems.portal.content.OperandContentBean">

                        <input type="hidden" name="<bean:write name="operandBean" property="label"/>" value="<bean:write name="operandBean" property="value" filter="false"/>">



                                <logic:iterate id="operandBean" name="contextOperands" property="operands" type="com.oakgrovesystems.portal.content.OperandContentBean">       


                                if (!operandBean.label.equals ("CustNotifyMessage") ||

                                    !operandBean.label.equals ("_customCompletedInstanceLink") ||

                                        !operandBean.label.equals ("_customCompletedWorklistLink") ||

                                        !operandBean.label.equals ("_customInstanceLink") ||

                                        !operandBean.label.equals ("CustNotifySubject") ||

                                        !operandBean.label.equals ("_EmailToPrimaryContact") ||

                                        !operandBean.label.equals ("UrAnsweredMessage") ||

                                        !operandBean.label.equals ("UrAnsweredSubject"))


                                                        <input type="hidden" name="<bean:write name="operandBean" property="label"/>" value="<bean:write name="operandBean" property="value" filter="false"/>">


                                <%} %> 



Why don't you use the post method?

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