what up Gurus,

My name is Rick Pace and Im a recent IT grad who has been working on a sales lead management system using ASP.net and SQL server. This is a highly functional web app that ive been working on for longer then I care to admit.

I had developed it for Rembrandt remodeling but they are now out of buisiness and were only planning on paying me several hundred dollars for it anyway. Fortunately for me there are thousands of home remodeling companies out there that I could costomize this for.

My question is:
How much should I charge for something like this? Ive been working on it for weeks but I am also still learning so therfore I can't use my hours as a means to calculate price.

Please take a look and give me something Ballpark if you dont mind.

feel free to mess with it all you want. ie.. submit leads, assign sales reps, create users, filter results

Thanks in advance,
Rick Pace

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