I have a login page on the site I am building, it works fine but what I am trying to accomplish is: I have a number (10) of football clubs who require login access to their page by their members only. For instance, Club A has its own page, only members from Club A have access to Club A's page. At the moment when a user logs in they can access all the other clubs pages, this is what I would like to stop. Any assistance would be very much appreciated

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This comes down to design. If you are using mysql then you should be able to use the where clause to select so that for example SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `club`="A" Then all you need to do is store in a session what club the user is in and place that club into the where clause each time.

thanks for that, however as I am reasonably new to php I am struggling a bit. Could you please write an example for me to follow

The usual procedure on daniweb is that each time you encounter a problem you post your problem and people try and fix it but if you like I can teach you the basics to php via msn at msn@cwarn23.info
That way you can learn live and faster.

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