foreach (string id in str1)
                                    string logoImage = "";
                                    string BundleID = id;
                                    BundleSearchResultStruct BundleSearchResult = nbsi.GetProductDetails(guid, "marketingPartnerPassword", Convert.ToInt32(BundleID));
                                    string y = builder1.Append(BundleSearchResult).Append(",").ToString();
                                    y = y.TrimEnd(',');
                                    Session["BundleSearchResult"] = y;
                               //some code relevent only to this block

while (reader1.Read())

//do something

 foreach (string id in str1)
                                            string logoImage = "";
                                            string BundleID = id;
                                            //BundleSearchResultStruct bsr2 = nbsi.GetProductDetails(guid, "marketingPartnerPassword", Convert.ToInt32(BundleID));
                                            string bsr = Session["BundleSearchResult"].ToString();
                                            string[] bsr1 = bsr.Split(',');

                                            foreach (string bsr2 in bsr1)
                                                System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl dynDiv = new System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl("DIV");
                                                Type type = bsr2.GetType();
                                                PropertyInfo senderproperty = type.GetProperty(reader1["XmlName"].ToString());

                                                object PropertyValue = senderproperty.GetValue(bsr2, null);

                                                string Nodetype = reader1["Type"].ToString();
                                                string XmlName = reader1["XmlName"].ToString();

                                                dynDiv.Attributes.Add("class", "block1");

                                                if (Nodetype == "Pound")

                                                    if (Convert.ToDecimal(PropertyValue.ToString()) > 0)

                                                        dynDiv.InnerText = String.Format("{0:C}", PropertyValue.ToString());


                                                        dynDiv.InnerText = "Free";


here in my application in the first
BundleSearchResult = nbsi.GetProductDetails(guid, "marketingPartnerPassword", Convert.ToInt32(BundleID));
i am calling an API....i need to use the object in BundleSearchResult in the second foreach (string id in str1) i have used the session to get the objects..

but the prob is at Type type = bsr2.GetType(); the type should be the class but i am getting as what to do..

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Sorry about that, would not repeat it...

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