myCommand.CommandText = "update Stutable set password as ('" & TextBox2.Text & "')"" where rollno = " & TextBox3.Text

please can you tell me what is the error in the above statement iam using vb and access database

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myCommand.CommandText = "update Stutable set password as ('" & TextBox2.Text & "')"" where rollno = " & TextBox3.Text

please can you tell me what is the error in the above statement iam using vb and access database

myCommand.CommandText = "update Stutable set password = '" & TextBox2.Text & "'" where rollno = " & TextBox3.Text

Mark as solved if it helps !!!

still error is there
End of statement of expected

SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand();
        comm.CommandText = "update table set field1=@field1 where no=@no";
        comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@field1", "pass the parameter value");
        comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@no", "pass the parameter value");

keep your code organised..
hope that helps


Hope this will work,

myCommand.CommandText = "update Stutable set password = '" & TextBox2.Text & "'  where rollno = " & TextBox3.Text

"update Stutable set password as ('" & TextBox2.Text & "') where rollno = " & TextBox3.Text

commented: Are you sure this will help OP? -2
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