Hello ppl, i want to know if mysql save some text special chars like the \n i have the nl2br() function to tranform \n in to html <br>, but for BOLD or UNDELINE text ? is there a special char saved in to mysql db ? and is posible to tranform it with PHP in HTML <b> or <u> tag ?

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Mysql is data storage. It has no knowledge of your html markup. So it would be best to just store the html as is.

Mysql is data storage. It has no knowledge of your html markup. So it would be best to just store the html as is.

I use the FORM <input text> tags to save the text in to a mysql db, users just copy and paste in to that form and send it to the php where the function save the text in a mysql DB.. so users can't spend time to add <b> or <u> tags , in wordpad you can see the TEXT FORMATING as it is with BOLD UNDELINE.. the form sends and save "\n" or others but i need to know if for BOLD or UNDELINE have their Special Chars too..

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