I want to undestand how session arrays working. can u explain below code please.


I want to undestand what is doing in .
Are they separate arrays or 2-D arrays.

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This is a multi-dimensional array. The parent index (ddc) is an associative array and the child (price) is also associative. This would have a single value assigned to it:

$_SESSION['ddc']['price'] = "144";

Note: Unlike a real PHP array, $_SESSION keys at the root level must be valid variable names.

$_SESSION[1][1] = 'cake'; // fails

$_SESSION['v1'][1] = 'cake'; // works
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if you want to see and understand a multi-dimensional array, do this with any multi-dimensional array:

print_r(YOUR ARRAY)

and you will see like a tree your way-array...

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