I'm new in PHP
how can retrive data from database using dropdown list
I have created the dropdown menu

<select name="con_st" >
$sql = "SELECT distinct con_stat FROM contst ";

$rs = mysql_query($sql);

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($rs))
  echo "<option value=\"".$row['con_stat']."\">".$row['con_stat']."\n  ";

any help?

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try this:

<select name="con_st" >
$sql = "SELECT distinct con_stat FROM contst";

// $rs = mysql_query($sql); // you can eliminate this code

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) // change $rs into $sql
echo "<option value='$row[con_stat]'>".$row."</option>";

this code work
i isked when click on drop down how retrive data from table
for example i want to use this dropdown to retrieve data from table pers?
"on change dropdown"

like this:

<select name="con_st" onChange="getData('current_page.php',this.value);" >

in javascript

function getData(page,x)

in current_page.php
write your code and with the query string $_GET
like this:

   $q="select * from your_tbl where your_field="+$_GET['dropdownid'];
// your code here

i added this code to current_page.php but no thing change when dropdown changed

   $q="select * from cont where cont_status="+$_GET['dropdownid'];
   echo $row['cont_status'];


and i want output at same page

what do you want to do after selecting your drop down?

Retrieve data from table cont at same page
like attachment

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