I made this code so that it can tell the program to get Morning (AM) or evening (PM) INFO

function Tms()
  $time = time();
  $time1 = mktime(12,00,00);
  if ($time > $time1)
   $Time = 'AM';
   $Time = 'PM';
  echo $Time;
  echo "<br>";
  echo $time;
  echo "<br>";
  echo $time1;

results running this code:
The PM part is correct as my watch says it is 8:13 PM
but the second and the third line comfuses me as i have no idea what those #s mean but the fact that they have to do with time.

If some one can explain what those #s are and how can i convert them to regular time would be nice.

if someone can tell me how to get some code to tell if it is AM or PM would be nice as i want my program to detect if it is AM or PM and let people get right information they need depending on if it is evening or moring.

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You don't have to get really advanced to get the time :) There is already a built-in function for that that can do all of that in one line.

if (date('A') == 'AM')
  // it is AM
  // it is PM

I tried it and date('A') wont work but time('A') works.

Thanks for the help

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