	$author_id = $_GET['author'];
	$subject = $_GET['subject'];
	$pubtype = $_GET['type'];
	$year = $_GET['year'];
	$college = $_GET['college'];
	$department = $_GET['department'];
	$keyword = $_GET['keyword'];
	$keyword = mysql_real_escape_string($keyword);
	$subject = mysql_real_escape_string($subject);
	$year = mysql_real_escape_string($year);
	//If any of the fields were left blank, we will assign % to the variable to use as wildcards in the SQL queries
	if ($subject == "")
		$subject = "%";
	if ($year == "")
		$year = "%";
	if ($keyword == "" || $keyword == "*")
		$keyword = "%";
	if ($author_id == "blank")
		$author_id = "%";
		$firstname = "%";
		$lastname = "%";
		//get author specified in search form
		$author_row = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM authors WHERE author_id='$author_id'") or die (mysql_error());
		while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($author_row))
			$firstname = $row['firstname'];
			$lastname = $row['lastname'];
			$middle_initial = $row['middle_initial'];
	if ($college == "blank")
		$college = "%";
		$c_id = "%";
		//get college specified in search form
		$college_query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM college WHERE collegename = '$college'") or die (mysql_error());
		$college_row = mysql_fetch_array($college_query);
		$c_id = $college_row['college_id'];
	if ($department == "blank")
		$department = "%";
		$d_id = "%";
		//get department specified in search form
		$department_query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM department WHERE departmentname = '$department'") or die (mysql_error());
		$department_row = mysql_fetch_array($department_query);
		$d_id = $department_row['department_id'];
	switch ($pubtype)
		//if the user left the publication-type blank in the search form, then we will search all publication types
		case "blank":
			echo '<table align="left" width="100%"><tr><td style="background-color:#CCCCFF;"><b>Books:</b></td></tr><tr><td>';
			$result = book_search($firstname, $lastname, $year, $c_id, $d_id, $keyword);	//this function is defined at the bottom of document
			display_result($result, 1);						//this function is defined at the bottom of document
			echo "<br/><br/></td></tr>";
			echo '<tr><td style="background-color:#CCCCFF;"><b>Book Chapters:</b></td></tr><tr><td>';
			$result = book_chapter_search($firstname, $lastname, $year, $c_id, $d_id, $keyword);
			display_result($result, 2);
			echo "<br/><br/></td></tr>";
			echo '<tr><td style="background-color:#CCCCFF;"><b>Conference Proceedings:</b></td></tr><tr><td>';
			$result = conference_search($firstname, $lastname, $year, $c_id, $d_id, $keyword);
			display_result($result, 4);
			echo "<br/><br/></td></tr>";
			echo '<tr><td style="background-color:#CCCCFF;"><b>Journal Articles:</b></td></tr><tr><td>';
			$result = journal_search($firstname, $lastname, $year, $c_id, $d_id, $keyword);
			display_result($result, 3);
			echo "<br/><br/></td></tr>";
			echo '<tr><td style="background-color:#CCCCFF;"><b>Other Publications:</b></td></tr><tr><td>';
			$result = other_search($firstname, $lastname, $year, $c_id, $d_id, $keyword);
			display_result($result, 5);
			echo "</td></tr></table>";
		//search for publication-type = book
		case "Book":
			echo '<table width="100%"><tr><td style="background-color:#CCCCFF;"><b>Books:</b></td></tr><tr><td>';
                        $result = book_search($firstname, $lastname, $year, $c_id, $d_id, $keyword);
			display_result($result, 1);
			echo "</td></tr></table>";
		//search for publication-type = book chapter
		case "Book Chapter":
			echo '<table width="100%"><tr><td style="background-color:#CCCCFF;"><b>Book Chapters:</b></td></tr><tr><td>';
			$result = book_chapter_search($firstname, $lastname, $year, $c_id, $d_id, $keyword);
			display_result($result, 2);
			echo "</td></tr></table>";
		//search for publication-type = journal article
		case "Journal Article":
			echo '<table width="100%"><tr><td style="background-color:#CCCCFF;"><b>Journal Articles:</b></td></tr><tr><td>';
			$result = journal_search($firstname, $lastname, $year, $c_id, $d_id, $keyword);
			display_result($result, 3);
			echo "</td></tr></table>";
		case "Conference":
			echo '<table width="100%"><tr><td style="background-color:#CCCCFF;"><b>Conference Proceedings:</b></td></tr><tr><td>';
			$result = conference_search($firstname, $lastname, $year, $c_id, $d_id, $keyword);
			display_result($result, 4);
			echo "</td></tr></table>";
		case "Other";
			echo '<table width="100%"><tr><td style="background-color:#CCCCFF;"><b>Other Publications:</b></td></tr><tr><td>';
			$result = other_search($firstname, $lastname, $year, $c_id, $d_id, $keyword);
			display_result($result, 5);
			echo "</td></tr></table>";

//this function searches for journal articles
function journal_search($firstname, $lastname, $year, $c_id, $d_id, $keyword)

	$result_local = mysql_query("
		(SELECT DISTINCT publication_id, firstname, lastname, middle_initial, faculty, author_id, subject, type, title, journal_articles_id, article_title, journal_title, volume_number, issue_number, pages, doi, year, url FROM
						(SELECT temp2.firstname, temp2.lastname, temp2.middle_initial, temp2.faculty, temp2.author_id, temp2.publication_id FROM
							(SELECT temp2.firstname, temp2.lastname, temp2.middle_initial, temp2.faculty, temp2.author_id, temp2.publication_id FROM
								(SELECT authors.author_id, authors.lastname, authors.firstname, authors.middle_initial, authors.faculty, authors.publication_id FROM
									(SELECT * FROM faculty WHERE college_id LIKE '$c_id' AND department_id LIKE '$d_id' )
								AS temp1 JOIN authors WHERE temp1.firstname = authors.firstname AND temp1.lastname = authors.lastname)
							AS temp2 WHERE temp2.firstname LIKE '$firstname' AND temp2.lastname LIKE '$lastname')
						AS temp1, authors AS temp2 WHERE temp2.publication_id = temp1.publication_id)
					AS temp JOIN publications USING (publication_id) WHERE temp.publication_id = publications.publication_id)
				AS temp JOIN journal_articles USING (publication_id) WHERE temp.publication_id = journal_articles.publication_id)
			AS temp WHERE temp.year LIKE '$year')
		AS temp4)
	AS temp5 WHERE year LIKE '%$keyword%' OR journal_title LIKE '%$keyword%' OR article_title LIKE '%$keyword%' OR firstname LIKE '%$keyword%' OR lastname LIKE '%$keyword%')

	") or die (mysql_error());
	return $result_local;
	/*	mysql_query("CREATE TABLE backup(
			publication_id INT(11),
			firstname VARCHAR(20),
			lastname VARCHAR(20),
			middle_initial VARCHAR(5),
			faculty TINYINT(1),
			author_id INT(20),
			subject VARCHAR(20),
			type VARCHAR(20),
			title VARCHAR(20),
			books_id INT(11),
			book_title VARCHAR(50),
			location VARCHAR(50),
			publisher VARCHAR(50),
			year INT(4),
			url VARCHAR(255)
		)") or die (mysql_error());*/

//this function searches for books
function book_search($firstname, $lastname, $year, $c_id, $d_id, $keyword)

//I did SELECT DISTINCT as a work-around - without it, some records would be duplicated due to this query, depending on conditions

	$result_local = mysql_query("
		(SELECT DISTINCT publication_id, firstname, lastname, middle_initial, faculty, author_id, subject, type, title, books_id, book_title, location, publisher, year, url FROM
						(SELECT temp2.firstname, temp2.lastname, temp2.middle_initial, temp2.faculty, temp2.author_id, temp2.publication_id FROM
							(SELECT temp2.firstname, temp2.lastname, temp2.middle_initial, temp2.faculty, temp2.author_id, temp2.publication_id FROM
								(SELECT authors.author_id, authors.lastname, authors.firstname, authors.middle_initial, authors.faculty, authors.publication_id FROM
									(SELECT * FROM faculty WHERE college_id LIKE '$c_id' AND department_id LIKE '$d_id' )
								AS temp1 JOIN authors WHERE temp1.firstname = authors.firstname AND temp1.lastname = authors.lastname)
							AS temp2 WHERE temp2.firstname LIKE '$firstname' AND temp2.lastname LIKE '$lastname')
						AS temp1, authors AS temp2 WHERE temp2.publication_id = temp1.publication_id)
					AS temp JOIN publications USING (publication_id) WHERE temp.publication_id = publications.publication_id)
				AS temp JOIN books USING (publication_id) WHERE temp.publication_id = books.publication_id)
			AS temp WHERE temp.year LIKE '$year')
		AS temp4)
	AS temp5 WHERE book_title LIKE '%$keyword%' OR location LIKE '%$keyword%' OR year LIKE '%$keyword%' OR publisher LIKE '%$keyword%' OR firstname LIKE '%$keyword%' OR lastname LIKE '%$keyword%')
	") or die (mysql_error());

	return $result_local;

//this function searches for book chapters
function book_chapter_search($firstname, $lastname, $year, $c_id, $d_id, $keyword)

	$result_local = mysql_query("
		(SELECT DISTINCT publication_id, firstname, lastname, middle_initial, faculty, author_id, subject, type, title, book_chapters_id, book_title, chapter_title, pages, location, publisher, year, url FROM
						(SELECT temp2.firstname, temp2.lastname, temp2.middle_initial, temp2.faculty, temp2.author_id, temp2.publication_id FROM
							(SELECT temp2.firstname, temp2.lastname, temp2.middle_initial, temp2.faculty, temp2.author_id, temp2.publication_id FROM
								(SELECT authors.author_id, authors.lastname, authors.firstname, authors.middle_initial, authors.faculty, authors.publication_id FROM
									(SELECT * FROM faculty WHERE college_id LIKE '$c_id' AND department_id LIKE '$d_id' )
								AS temp1 JOIN authors WHERE temp1.firstname = authors.firstname AND temp1.lastname = authors.lastname)
							AS temp2 WHERE temp2.firstname LIKE '$firstname' AND temp2.lastname LIKE '$lastname')
						AS temp1, authors AS temp2 WHERE temp2.publication_id = temp1.publication_id)
					AS temp JOIN publications USING (publication_id) WHERE temp.publication_id = publications.publication_id)
				AS temp JOIN book_chapters USING (publication_id) WHERE temp.publication_id = book_chapters.publication_id)
			AS temp WHERE temp.year LIKE '$year')
		AS temp4)
	AS temp5 WHERE chapter_title LIKE '%$keyword%' OR book_title LIKE '%$keyword%' OR location LIKE '%$keyword%' OR publisher LIKE '%$keyword%' OR year LIKE '%$keyword%' OR firstname LIKE '%$keyword%' OR lastname LIKE '%$keyword%')

	") or die (mysql_error());

	return $result_local;

function conference_search($firstname, $lastname, $year, $c_id, $d_id, $keyword)
	$result_local = mysql_query("
			(SELECT DISTINCT publication_id, firstname, lastname, middle_initial, faculty, author_id, subject, type, title, conference_id, presentation_title, conference, proceedings, pages, date, location, url FROM
						(SELECT * FROM
							(SELECT temp2.firstname, temp2.lastname, temp2.middle_initial, temp2.faculty, temp2.author_id, temp2.publication_id FROM
								(SELECT temp2.firstname, temp2.lastname, temp2.middle_initial, temp2.faculty, temp2.author_id, temp2.publication_id FROM
									(SELECT authors.author_id, authors.lastname, authors.firstname, authors.middle_initial, authors.faculty, authors.publication_id FROM
										(SELECT * FROM faculty WHERE college_id LIKE '$c_id' AND department_id LIKE '$d_id' )
									AS temp1 JOIN authors WHERE temp1.firstname = authors.firstname AND temp1.lastname = authors.lastname)
								AS temp2 WHERE temp2.firstname LIKE '$firstname' AND temp2.lastname LIKE '$lastname')
							AS temp1, authors AS temp2 WHERE temp2.publication_id = temp1.publication_id)
						AS temp JOIN publications USING (publication_id) WHERE temp.publication_id = publications.publication_id)
					AS temp JOIN conferences USING (publication_id) WHERE temp.publication_id = conferences.publication_id)
				AS temp WHERE temp.date LIKE '$year')
			AS temp4)
		AS temp5 WHERE date LIKE '%$keyword%' OR presentation_title LIKE '%$keyword%' OR conference LIKE '%$keyword%' OR proceedings LIKE '%keyword%' OR firstname LIKE '%$keyword%' OR lastname LIKE '%$keyword%')

	") or die (mysql_error());

	return $result_local;

function other_search($firstname, $lastname, $year, $c_id, $d_id, $keyword)
	$result_local = mysql_query("
		(SELECT DISTINCT publication_id, firstname, lastname, middle_initial, faculty, author_id, subject, type, title, other_id, other_title, publisher, year, location, url FROM
						(SELECT temp2.firstname, temp2.lastname, temp2.middle_initial, temp2.faculty, temp2.author_id, temp2.publication_id FROM
							(SELECT temp2.firstname, temp2.lastname, temp2.middle_initial, temp2.faculty, temp2.author_id, temp2.publication_id FROM
								(SELECT authors.author_id, authors.lastname, authors.firstname, authors.middle_initial, authors.faculty, authors.publication_id FROM
									(SELECT * FROM faculty WHERE college_id LIKE '$c_id' AND department_id LIKE '$d_id' )
								AS temp1 JOIN authors WHERE temp1.firstname = authors.firstname AND temp1.lastname = authors.lastname)
							AS temp2 WHERE temp2.firstname LIKE '$firstname' AND temp2.lastname LIKE '$lastname')
						AS temp1, authors AS temp2 WHERE temp2.publication_id = temp1.publication_id)
					AS temp JOIN publications USING (publication_id) WHERE temp.publication_id = publications.publication_id)
				AS temp JOIN other USING (publication_id) WHERE temp.publication_id = other.publication_id)
			AS temp WHERE temp.year LIKE '$year')
		AS temp4)
	AS temp5 WHERE year LIKE '%$keyword%' OR other_title LIKE '%$keyword%' OR location LIKE '%$keyword%' OR publisher LIKE '%keyword%' OR firstname LIKE '%$keyword%' OR lastname LIKE '%$keyword%')

	") or die (mysql_error());

	return $result_local;
//this function prints the results of the search queries
function display_result($result, $type)
	$p_id_array = array();					//this array will hold publication_ID's
	$editors_firstname_array = array();			//this array will hold the first name of editors, and will correspond to...
	$editors_lastname_array = array();			//...the last name of editors, held in this array

	while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
		$p_id_array[] = $row['publication_id'];		//insert all publication_ID's into $p_id_array

	$p_id_array = array_unique($p_id_array);		//remove any duplicate entries from $p_id_array

	//Re-point to the beginning of the $result array
	if (mysql_num_rows($result) >= 1)
		mysql_data_seek($result, 0);

	if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0)			//If there are no rows in this array, then the search queries returned no results
		echo "<br/>No results.";
        $result_faculty = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM faculty");	//Create an array of the faculty members.  This will be used to compare against...
								//...authors to see if they are faculty members.
	echo "<p>";
	foreach ($p_id_array as $array_element)			//this loop will occur for every unique publication_id
		while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
			mysql_data_seek($result_faculty, 0);			//point to the beginning of array of faculty members
			if ($row['publication_id'] == $array_element)
				//If this author is a faculty member, print the name in bold.
				while ($row_faculty = mysql_fetch_array($result_faculty))
					if ($row_faculty['firstname'] == $row['firstname'] &&
						$row_faculty['lastname'] == $row['lastname'] &&
						$row_faculty['middle_initial'] == $row['middle_initial'])
						echo "<b>" . $row['firstname'] . " " . $row['middle_initial'] . " " .$row['lastname'] . "</b>, ";
						$bold = true;
						//mysql_data_seek($result_faculty, 0);
						$bold = false;
				//If the author is NOT a faculty member, do not print the name in bold
				if ($bold == false)
					echo $row['firstname'] . " " . $row['middle_initial'] . " " .$row['lastname'] . ", ";

				if ($type == 1)		//book
					$information_array = array($row['year'], $row['title'], $row['location'], $row['publisher'], $row['url']);
				if ($type == 2)		//book chapter
					$information_array = array($row['year'], $row['title'], $row['book_title'], $row['pages'], $row['location'], $row['publisher'], $row['url']);
				if ($type == 3)		//journal article
					$information_array = array($row['year'], $row['title'], $row['journal_title'], $row['volume_number'], $row['issue_number'], $row['pages'], $row['url']);
				if ($type == 4)
					$information_array = array($row['date'], $row['title'], $row['presentation_title'], $row['conference'], $row['proceedings'], $row['pages'], $row['location'], $row['url']);
				if ($type == 5)
					$information_array = array($row['year'], $row['title'], $row['other_title'], $row['publisher'], $row['location'], $row['url']);

		$editors_result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM editors WHERE publication_id = '$array_element'");
		while ($editor_row = mysql_fetch_array($editors_result))
			$editors_firstname_array[] = $editor_row['firstname'];
			$editors_lastname_array[] = $editor_row['lastname'];

		if ($type == 1)		//book
			echo $information_array[0]. ". <i>". $information_array[1] . '</i>. '. $information_array[2] . ": " . $information_array[3]. ".<br/>";

		if ($type == 2)		//book_chapter
			echo $information_array[0]. '. "'. $information_array[1]. '." In <i>' . $information_array[2] . '</i>';
			if (sizeof($editors_firstname_array) > 0)
				echo ' edited by ';

			for ($i = 0; $i <= sizeof($editors_firstname_array); $i++)
				if ($editors_firstname_array[$i] != "")
					echo $editors_firstname_array[$i] . " " . $editors_lastname_array[$i];
				if ($i < (sizeof($editors_firstname_array) - 1))
					echo " and ";
			$editors_firstname_array = array();
			$editors_lastname_array = array();

			echo ". " . $information_array[4]. ": ". $information_array[5];
			echo "<a href=\"http://" . $information_array[6] . "\">" . $information_array[6] . "</a><br/>";

		if ($type == 3)		//journal article
			echo $information_array[0]. ". "  .$information_array[1] . ". " . "<i>" . $information_array[2]. "</i> ";
			if ($information_array[3] != 0)
				echo $information_array[3]. ", ";
			if ($informatioin_array[4] != 0)
				echo " (" . $information_array[4] . "): ";
			if ($information_array[5] != "")
				echo $information_array[5];
			if ($information_array[6] != "")
				echo ", " . "<a href=\"http://" . $information_array[6] . "\">" . $information_array[6] . "</a>";
			echo "<br/>";
		if ($type == 4)
			echo $information_array[2];
			if ($information_array[4] != "")
				echo ", <i>" . $information_array[4]. "</i>";
			if ($information_array[3] != "")
				echo ", " . $information_array[3];
			if ($information_array[6] != "")
				echo ", " . $information_array[6];
			if ($information_array[5]  != "")
				echo ", pp. " . $information_array[5];
			if ($information_array[7] != "")
				echo ", " . "<a href=\"http://" . $information_array[7] . "\">" . $information_array[7] . "</a>";
			echo "<br/>";
		if ($type == 5)
			echo $information_array[2];
			if ($information_array[3] != "")
				echo ", " . $information_array[3];
			if ($information_array[4] != "")
				echo ", " . $information_array[4];
			if ($information_array[0] != "")
				echo ", " . $information_array[0];
			if ($information_array[5] != "")
				echo ", " . "<a href=\"http://" . $information_array[5] . "\">" . $information_array[5] . "</a>";
			echo "<br/>";
		//Re-point to the beginning of the $result array
		mysql_data_seek($result, 0);
		echo "<br/>";
	echo "</p>";

When user searches for something , the above code gives the search results. I want to provide hyperlink to every search result. When the user clicks the search result, user will be navigated to another webpage.

momo219 commented: We are not all psychic -1

Just a reason as to why some people may have voted this question down:
1. Your code snippet is too long, try cutting it down to the bare mimimum, and replacing things like $information_array[5] with a more friendly variable, like $information_array while it may not work in your program, at least we'll be able to see what is going on.

2. Try to put your text at the top of your question, and formatting it as text, as currently it runs off the edge of the screen.

We're all happy to help, but would rather spend our time answering many more simple questions than one really complex one.

- Joe

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