
Ive created a simple shopping cart using arrays and a cookie. The cookie is used to store the number of orders that have been made yet, extracting that value from the cookie and using it in a loop should display all the products quantity, price and total cost...BUT THAT DOESNT WORK, it just keeps getting overwritten. Heres the code:



//if the cookie exists
    $ItemPointer = $_COOKIE['NumberOrdered']
    echo "Cookie exists!";
    echo "Cookie DOES NOT exist!";


//shopping baskets for arrays of name, qty,
//price and cost. A variable for total cost.
$basket_tcost = "";
$basket_name[10] = "";;
$basket_quantity[10] = "";;
$basket_price[10] = "";;
$basket_cost[10] = "";;

//getting the items from the web page.
$basket_cost[$Itempointer]= $_POST["quantity"] * $_POST["price"];
$basket_tcost+= $basket_cost[$Itempointer];

    <title>Order Page</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../mystyle.css"/>
<h1>Order Page</h1>
<div align="center">
<table bordercolor="#C0C0C0" style="border-collapse: collapse; color:#CCCCFF ;font-family:'Palatino Linotype'" cellpadding="8" cellspacing="1" border="5" width="0" >
         &nbsp; Product Name
        &nbsp; Quantity Ordered
    &nbsp; Product Price
    &nbsp; Total Cost

for($i=1; $i<=$Itempointer; $i++)
    echo "<tr>

     <th colspan = 3>
        &nbsp; Total Cost in Shopping Cart &nbsp;
    <?php echo $basket_tcost; ?>

Please help me out here....I dont want to use php with mySql....i just want to use something simple...Thanks so much...

If you don't want to use PHP, perhaps you should not post this question in the PHP forum? Try the Javascript forum.

I am new to DaniWeb and i don't seem to find a way of posting my question so i have just taken advantage of a similar question. I need the code for creating a shopping cart and a log book in php but i need one which will work. I have developed a website for an IT firm where i work, and i need to add a shopping cart and a log book but i am stuck. How do i go about it together with mysql? Please help.

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