Hello there, can anyone help me?

i want to put a restrictions in my application form.
for example, "Please complete all the fields"

and here's my code:

		$posapp = $_POST['txtapplied']; 
		$fname = $_POST['txtfname']; 
		$mname = $_POST['txtmname']; 
		$lname = $_POST['txtlname']; 
		$db=mysql_connect('localhost','root','') or die ('Cannot connect to MYSQL!');
		@mysql_select_db('dbriomra') or die('Cannot connect to database');

		$query="INSERT INTO onlineapplication (positionapplied, firstname, middlename, lastname, month, day, year, age, emailaddress, homenumber, cellphone, address, religion, birthplace, height, weight, civilstatus, college, course, yeargrad) VALUES ('$posapp', '$fname', '$mname', '$lname', '$month', '$day', '$year', '$age', '$eadd', '$homenumber', '$cpnumber', '$address', '$religion', '$birthplace', '$height', '$weight', '$civilstatus', '$college', '$course', '$yeargrad')";

  //$result = mysql_query($query); 
         header('Location: oapp_finished.php');
         echo "<br> Problem Loading";


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You could..

    echo 'You have not completed this field';
  $posapp = $_POST['txtapplied']; 

Do it for all of them =)

		$posapp = $_POST['txtapplied']; 
		$fname = $_POST['txtfname']; 
		$mname = $_POST['txtmname']; 
		$lname = $_POST['txtlname']; 
		$db=mysql_connect('localhost','root','') or die ('Cannot connect to MYSQL!');
		@mysql_select_db('dbriomra') or die('Cannot connect to database');
		$query="INSERT INTO onlineapplication (positionapplied, firstname, middlename, lastname, month, day, year, age, emailaddress, homenumber, cellphone, address, religion, birthplace, height, weight, civilstatus, college, course, yeargrad) VALUES ('$posapp', '$fname', '$mname', '$lname', '$month', '$day', '$year', '$age', '$eadd', '$homenumber', '$cpnumber', '$address', '$religion', '$birthplace', '$height', '$weight', '$civilstatus', '$college', '$course', '$yeargrad')";
  //$result = mysql_query($query); 
         header('Location: oapp_finished.php');
         echo "<br> Problem Loading";

    echo 'You have not completed this field';
  $posapp = $_POST['txtapplied']; 

like this?

Member Avatar for diafol

like this?


You need to test before running any code not after. That's like lifting your petticoat after you've pissed.

Like this:

    echo 'You have not completed this field';
  $posapp = $_POST['txtapplied']; 

  echo 'You have not entered your first name';
  $fname = $_POST['txtfname'];
// etc
		$mname = $_POST['txtmname']; 
		$lname = $_POST['txtlname']; 
		$db=mysql_connect('localhost','root','') or die ('Cannot connect to MYSQL!');
		@mysql_select_db('dbriomra') or die('Cannot connect to database');
		$query="INSERT INTO onlineapplication (positionapplied, firstname, middlename, lastname, month, day, year, age, emailaddress, homenumber, cellphone, address, religion, birthplace, height, weight, civilstatus, college, course, yeargrad) VALUES ('$posapp', '$fname', '$mname', '$lname', '$month', '$day', '$year', '$age', '$eadd', '$homenumber', '$cpnumber', '$address', '$religion', '$birthplace', '$height', '$weight', '$civilstatus', '$college', '$course', '$yeargrad')";
  //$result = mysql_query($query); 
         header('Location: oapp_finished.php');
         echo "<br> Problem Loading";

I'd also do further checks, this is just an example =)

Member Avatar for diafol

A nice-looking PHP validation library here:


It may be overkill and I haven't tried it, but it resembles a js validation library that I used to use a while ago. May be worth a look - especially if you have a large number of fields to check. Creating a custom test for every single field is tiresome.

Phorce, i tried it, but it's not working, but it is still adding in the database even if its null.

A nice-looking PHP validation library here:


It may be overkill and I haven't tried it, but it resembles a js validation library that I used to use a while ago. May be worth a look - especially if you have a large number of fields to check. Creating a custom test for every single field is tiresome.

Well thanks ardav, i will check it :)

I think you would be better off using JQuery to check the form before you pass it to the PHP script. It is better design, easier coding and generally better all round.

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