I have a marquee which will slow down on mouseover.

<marquee behavior="scroll" scrollAmount="6" onMouseOver="this.scrollAmount=1" onMouseOut="this.scrollAmount=6" onMouseDown="this.scrollAmount=0" onMouseUp="this.scrollAmount=1"> Some links and other stuff here... </marquee>

However, it is annoying, becuase I don't want the marquee to slow down unless the user moves over a link. Does anyone know how I can refer to the marquee's properties from inside the tags?

EG: Using the 'onMouseOver="this.scrollAmount=1"', only with something like 'onMouseOver="thatmarquee.scrollAmount=1"' inside the <A HREF> tags?

The Dude commented: I like your little code thing,it slows down wheni hover over it,pretty kewl! +9

Solved it. Didn't know about the id property.

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