m geting an unexpected error in my code plz tel me where am i wrng my code because i have wriiten mysql_num_rows many time


	$query="SELECT * FROM `slip` WHERE slip_id='$slip_no'";
	if ($result)
	$query1= "UPDATE `slip` SET status='accepted' WHERE slip_id='$slip_no'";
	$result1= mysql_query($query1);
		if (mysql_num_rows($result1)==1)
		$query2= "INSERT INTO transfer_slip(shift_id, product_name, item1, num1, department_from, department_to) VALUES ( '$shift_id', '$product_name', 'handles', '$quantity', 'intermediate', 'tufting'";
		$result2=mysql_query($query2) or die (mysql_error());
		if ($result2)
		echo " transfer slip generated";
		echo "transfer slip failed";
		echo "order not accepted";
		echo "no slip found of this name";

the error is

( ! ) Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\wamp\www\pras\acceptance_slip.php on line 20

UPDATE statements don't return resource, they return boolean values so the value of $result1 on line 16 will always be boolean. You are getting that error message because the mysql_num_rows function expects a resource, not a boolean.

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