I am trying to use a modulo to make all even numbers replaced with a star and all odds replaced with a percent sign... this is my code:

// initialize array of random values
$random_array = array();
// initialize temporary array for sorting
$temp_array = array();
// start html table for random values
echo "<table border=\"1\">";
// create $random_array with random numbers, display html table rows and
// store each value in onedimensional $temp_array for sorting
for($row=1;$row<=20; $row++){
    echo "<tr>\n";
    for($col=1;$col<=20; $col++) {
        $random_array[$row][$col] = $x;
        // add value to the $temp_array
        $temp_array[] = $x;
    echo "</tr>";
// end the html table
echo "</table>";

// sort the $temp_array (sort works on onedimensional arrays)
// start a table for sorted values
echo "<table border=\"1\">";
// initialize counter that will be the $temp_array's key
$key = 0;
// display html table rows of sorted values
for($row=1;$row<=20; $row++){
    echo "<tr>\n";
    for($col=1;$col<=20; $col++) {
        // increase the key
    echo "</tr>";
// end the html table of sorted values
echo "</table>";

// sort the $temp_array (sort works on onedimensional arrays)
// start a table for sorted values
echo "<table border=\"1\">";
// initialize counter that will be the $temp_array's key
$key = 0;
// display html table rows of sorted values
for($row=1;$row<=20; $row++){
    echo "<tr>\n";
    for($col=1;$col<=20; $col++) {
        // increase the key
    echo "</tr>";
// end the html table of sorted values
echo "</table>";

I need to make another table for the use of the modulo so it doesn't affect the other tables? Can anyone help? I can verify further if needed!

Thanks and respond a.s.a.p!

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This is the principle:

for($row=1;$row<=20; $row++){
    echo "<tr>\n";
    for($col=1;$col<=20; $col++) {
        $random_array[$row][$col] = $x;

        if($x % 2 == 0) {

            $char = '*';
        } else {

            $char = '%';

        // add value to the $temp_array
        $temp_array[] = $x;
    echo "</tr>";

Wow... I just praise you... you are a complete genius... do you mind if I call you a guru????

Thank you for helping, you don't realize how much you've helped me!

Thanks and best regards!

No problem, my friend. And please do not call me a guru since I am far far from that :-). You will soon get practice too.

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If this wrapps up this topic you can mark is as solved. If another problems arise just start a new topic.

Since your far from a guru, might as well call you the Da Vinci of the web :) or the broj1 of the web :)

I think everything you post is a solution so I will definitly triple thumbs up!

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